Photographing the rare "yellow bearded" amazon


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
This afternoon, I set out on a "hunt" for the *rarest specimen* of an amazon- the elusive "yellow beard". Well.... not so elusive around my house come 1-2pm, but not typically in a photo mood after his afternoon bird-bath. Anyways, I looked for the "sign" of the yellow beard- empty water dish, soaked paper I so careless changed around noon, dampness within a 10' radius of the cage- and then I happened upon him... Well, more he let me know he was in no mood for his afternoon nap through a series of most obvious tail shakes and puffs. After catching the bearded one with my bare hands;), I placed him upon his play tree and captured the first images of this magnificent creature:D:

The yellow bearded amazon is characterized by his prominent beard and "I will kill you" gaze:

He may also display a characteristic wet patch on his rotund little belly:

This magnificent creature demands respect, and shows he means business by raising the feathers on top of his head:

In a rare moment, you may catch him fluffing his feathers in a playful way:

But most of the time, he is poised to eat you, and has a taste for human flesh:eek::

OF COURSE THIS IS FOR FUN! Kiwi is a nice boy, but he sure looked mean this afternoon:p
Great pics Kiwi. How old is he?? looks young and healthy.
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Great pics Kiwi. How old is he?? looks young and healthy.

Kiwi is about 16/17 years old, so still pretty young but not a baby. We were told he was around 10 when we adopted him in Dec. 2008. He was scruffy when we got him, but I am quite obsessive with his diet/sun exposure/encouraging exercise+healthy preening and he gets showers daily (plus the little ones in his dish), so he's a very healthy and clean bird! Spoiled too:rolleyes:
Beautiful pics. You were SO lucky to capture such a rare specimen. Especially with your bare hands. :eek:
I never tire of seeing pictures of the wonderful handsomeness that is Kiwi!! The expressions that you capture and the beauty of his feathers wet or dry amazes me. :D

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