Phoenix...The Screaming Green Winged


New member
Apr 13, 2015
Michigan USA
I have a rescued Greenwing macaw that is about 15 years old
I have a rescued green winged macaw which is rather spoiled. I rescued her in 2010 and have had built a very good relationship with her in that time. She still has some behavior issues which we are working on and they are getting much better with time.
One of the problems I am running into is that her and my wife have a love hate relationship. My wife really likes her and wants to build the relationship but hates how mean phoenix can be to her at times. Phoenix really likes to interact with my wife but loves to torment her at the same time. The only serious problem is that she has the tendency to wait for my wife to turn her back and then attacks her feet. She has never actually been confined to a perch during her times out since I've had her and has always had a way up and down from the perch. Now when we are busy I will put her on the perch so that we are both free to move about the house without anyone getting their heals bit. She is not there for long periods of time (like half hour to an hour, I take her down when I notice she is getting restless and offer her water regularly) and has lots of toys and she also has some extra yummy snacks that she gets while up there. She still spends a lot of her time on my lap for night time movie or homework time and has time to run around on the floor to play with the other animals. Her previous owner used to leave her on a perch the whole time she was at work (9-5 job with a half hour commute) and she only had one dish for food so she is slightly traumatized by perches.
Since I have been working with her on the perch, life at my house has become very chaotic. When my alarm goes off in the morning she instantly starts screaming. She will then continuously scream from 7am until 10-10:30am. I leave the house at 10:30 so her morning time out is no longer happening because I do not want to reward the screaming. I will then come home and as soon as I pull in the driveway the screaming begins. She will then scream for atleast 2 hours. Once she is quiet or says come here I go and let her out. Something needs to change, she is chasing me out of my house. I do not even want to go home because of the nonstop screaming. Giving her up is not an option, so I need to change this behavior. Anyone who has any ideas at all I am open to listening!!!
Thank you so much :D
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She has a cage inside. It has lots of toys which are rotated regularly as well as scavenging toys.
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Then these behavior mods should work.
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I read your link that you posted and I already do a lot of those. I completely ignore the screaming I am going to try the cage cover and see how that goes. She is in her own room so I didn't even think about trying this again. I will give it a shot and see how it goes. Thank you!

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