Phoebes vet visit


New member
Feb 24, 2015
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Shamrock Macaw
Phoebe has her vet appointment tomorrow. She is being sedated, having blood drawn and getting micro chipped. Just want to know what to expect. Where should the insertions be done? I've read for blood it is best from the right jugular? I will be observing everything going on. I trust my vet, but this is also the first time I've ever had vet work on my fid. I want to know what to expect, and the experiences some of you have had.
Everything went smoothly. All blood tests checked came back normal and the microchip was a breeze. I actually did her nails while my vet was microchipping her.
I'm glad your bird came though the procedure okay. I have had three birds microchipped but none were sedated to do that, but I can understand why some people elect to do that. It gives me a lot of peace to have them microchipped. Yay on the good bloodwork, too! That's always such a relief even when you're reasonably sure they're okay. Now protect that normal status like the precious thing that it is (no exposure to new birds without knowing their health status). I love to look at Shamrock macaws, each one so unique and beautiful.

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