Phoeb preening and playing

How do I pick the URL from my photobucket...

It doesn't show me my url links any more....Can someone check on his and tell me please...
How do I pick the URL from my photobucket...

It doesn't show me my url links any more....Can someone check on his and tell me please...

pheob, i just highlight the url from the address bar, copy it and paste it into my post.

is that what you tried? is it not working for you?
It used to say url address next to it and I think they have changed something and don't know which one of them it is now...:D

Can you tell me which one of them four I should copy?:D
Oh wow, I've never even noticed those links before. Hmmm...
ok thanks I'll post some pics for you guys now....:D
Did you miss this girl?:D...Here are some new pics...

this red thing used to be a hellicopter...''I have also got a car...OUTTA MY WAY EVERYONE!!!!!''

with toy plane..

''I think I'll take a nap but first let's do some preening..:D''

Dad preening tail...

And wings...

I hoped you liked them....:D
I wanted them to show open on my post...I did this one before and I erased it...:D Anyway...Enjoy....:D
Pheob they are beautiful. Pheobus is looking so good.

When you've copied the link from photobucket, if you click the little picture icon

and enter the url in there it should come up with the picture open. Remember to take out the http:// on the pop up box that opens or the link won't work. :D
Did you miss this girl?...Here are some new pics...

this red thing used to be a hellicopter...''I have also got a car...OUTTA MY WAY EVERYONE!!!!!''

with toy plane..

''I think I'll take a nap but first let's do some preening..'':D

Dad preening tail...

And wings...

I hope you liked them! :D
pheob ... EXCELLENT, just superb! Loved the pics. Pheobus looks terrific! And, I enjoyed the pictures tremendously! :D
Nice pictures. Such a pretty bird. The details are nice on the wing photos. Hope everything is ok with you!
Thanks a lot guys! I thought too that my birdy is beautifull:D(proud dad!) and wanted to share with you!:)

Hope everything is ok with you!
evrything ok Christy!Thanks for asking!

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