Pete and Ethel, Photos and Cage


New member
May 15, 2007
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Christchurch Nw Zealand!


Their Cage

I'm dissapointed with the photo of the cage. It looks better for real. The Leaves and branch perches are fresh gum off a friends farm. Aside from those, they have one rope perch (I biffed the other one because it was fraying) and a pink cement perch. The toys are a mix of metal, rubber, wood, plastic and calcium type thingees. Theres also a ball and a box of paper on the bootom, both to chuck around :)

I need more ideas thou, what are some cheap options for the roof, and i really could do with ideas for homemade toys/games?

I took Ethel to a friends yesterday, and she was fantastic. There was a special needs cockatiel, a plucked lorry in rehab, a budgie, an Alexandrine and a Eucalictis (sp? you know, the big green things! Or big red things if its female...). We had newspaper, gum branches and a rang of foods on the table, and everybody got on famously! Its so much fun when birds with feathers flock together! (And I know thats not how the saying goes technically.....)
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Great pics Nz!!! The cage looks great. Nice big home for them!!! I guess they really get along great with eachother?
Generally speaking but they still like their personal space, their not into sleeping together or grooming each other, and sometimes they fight light siblings. Pete could be singing a cute wee budgie song and all of a sudden there is a clear cockateil squawk, as thou Ethel is telling Pete to shut up. But they are pretty awesome birds :)
LOL sounds like it can be fun to watch those two. They sound like siblings!!
Its awesome, but if they are having a bad day I feel bad for having them together. In saying that though, I think its done Pete the world of good having a cage mate, and I'm sure Ethel doesnt mind him really. I wouldnt want them in anything smaller though.
Ya know, I have toyed with the thought of caging Hamlet and Mac together, and I know it's not a good idea, but really, I hate having two cages, and cleaning two cages ... and Hamlet's cage is more than big enough to house them both if I wanted to ... but, I have repeatedly decided that housing them together isn't good for the both of them ...
See progress is evident in the way they interact with each other,and as they have learned whos who etc. Its much better for Pete as he has waaay more room. I still have a spare cage if it all turns to turmoil though. I really dunno if I've done the right thing. I could seperate them and see how they take that, ie if they squark out to each other or if they are happy in their original cages.

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