Pesquet's Parrot


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
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Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Does anyone have any experience with these unique little guys? I had never heard of them until I stumbled upon them by chance while looking up something. I'm not looking into getting one I'm just very interested in them now. Their wiki page doesn't say much about them and they're a vulnerable species so I don't imagine much is known about them but I'd love to know what there is known.
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in New Mexico (actually, the nearby El Paso Zoo) had a pair.
I knew a guy who worked with them. He characterized them as quite wild and territorial in comparison to other parrots. Their cries are unforgettable. They do a machine-gun like CAWCAWCAWCAW and they also have an ear-splitting hoarse but loud cal. These two mimic. Aren't they fascinating, though? They're also called the Vulture Parrot because of the bare head areas (they have a very messy/sticky fruit/veggie diet).
Gee, I hadn't thought of the for ages.
Not sure that a Pesquet's Parrot would make a good companion Parrot since they have highly specializes dietary requirements. Although, they clearly have the smarts to train Humans, which is a fundamental requirement for the vast majority of companion Parrots. :D Their Vulturine appearance would have the causal viewer believing that they are looking at a member of the Vulture family and not a Parrot. The lack of head feathers and the shape of the Beak clearly would support that belief.

'IF' you where able to find a way around CITES Regulations and/or have the extensive document file and approvals to legally own such a Parrot. You would be in very limited company, since there presents in captivity is very exclusive too only the largest, well funded World Class Zoos.

Enjoy the photos and what information is available and pray that you are near enough or have the funds to travel one of those exclusive Zoos.
What about vulutrine parrots? I've heard they're not to be confused with these pesquet's parrots but they look similar in that they have bare heads and vulture like features.

That's a first for me!
I have seen it all now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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