Personal update/mini rant!


New member
Feb 15, 2014
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Dallas area, Texas
Just in case everybody isn't tired of me being on the forums all the dang time.. :rolleyes:
Things for me as far as my pregnancy are going well. The doc sort of lost track of how many weeks I am, because my charts say 27~ weeks but I'm measuring bigger than that (I've gained a little over 10lbs in the past month. :mad: I know it's good but it definitely hurts my ego a little.) So I'm going in for a sono in two weeks and they'll give me a more solid answer, and hopefully they'll tell me whether my due date is June 29th or July 9th.(I'm hoping it's the former, because I'm going to be in a room two weeks prior to my due date, and the last thing I want is to go into labor for the first time by myself and have to call Brad to take me 30 minutes to the doctor.. :( )
Brad's 24th birthday was Wednesday, so happy belated to my lovely boyfriend, my solid ground and my number one supporter. :) Since the weather has gotten nicer we're going and playing frisbee golf again atleast once a week, so that's good outdoor exercise for at least a couple of hours.
It's been a few days now since I've gone to see Yoshi. :(
It makes me sad, but my dad's house is just CRAWLING with the flu virus and I definitely don't need that in my apartment.. we're going to let it take it's course before spending more than a few minutes there just to clean the cage/prepare food/etc.

I'm going by the craft store and the hardware store tonight, thanks to Allee, so I can try my hand at home-made perches and toys. :) I'm really excited about that.

My sleeping schedule has been absolutely awful. Poor Brad has been dealing with my restlessness for the past few nights, it doesn't matter how tired I am, my dreams get weird(I've always had lucid dreams anyway, so being pregnant doesn't help.) and I just lay awake for hours. Buh.
So, while I'm here by myself during the day(Since Brad's boss is having surgery Monday, so he's gonna be working all day every day for a month or so..) I also wanted to say how much I appreciate all the members here, even though I'm never *really* alone since I've got Kiwi and Loki and their silly antics, I enjoy the virtual company of the friends I've made here. :)

Thanks anyone and everyone for reading, hope your week has been less hectic than mine(However, being parronts, it's not likely!!) and I hope you all know how much I really appreciate you. :)
Rant away Ash :)

I hope your new birdie projects keeps you busy and you have some fun in the process!! I remember the sleepless pregnant nights, not fun....

Sorry you have not been able to spend much time with Yoshi! Have you given any more thoughts to what you will do with him longterm? I know you were debating whether placing him in a new home was the best option for him or you were gonna see how things went after you're done incubating :)

Getting out in the fresh air is so wonderful for you, pregnant or not, there is just something about being out in the warm sun on a spring day!! Sorry Brad is off with work more right now, but hopefully you'll find the birdie projects a good attention grabber!

Best of luck with the sonogram and getting the due date you want... I was in the hospital a week before Victoria was born, had a staph infection and was on IV antibiotics. I was not due for another two weeks or so, but when they came in Friday afternoon to say they were letting me go home by Monday, I jokingly stated I should go into labor over the weekend so I did not have to be be re-admitted... Started in labor Friday night, but the pain wasn't born until Sunday morning. The point... suggestion can be a might strong motivator!!

Keep posting and look forward to hearing how the birdie perches and swing go!!!

Hugs to you kiddo!
Thanks, Jen. :)
I talked to Brad about the option of re-homing Yoshi, and he made it quite clear he would rather wake up extra early in the morning and go over straight after work if it meant keeping him around. Brad really likes him, and coming from someone who hated birds before I met him, there's no way I'd try to separate them. It's really quite a sight seeing them work together. They're both learning about each other in so many ways, it's sort of hilarious, like an awkward dancing couple. :p
We'll be moving Yoshi in with us when we get our new apartment in June(Which is also when I'm due, hopefully) and since we'll have a larger floor plan, and hopefully my hormones will stabilize some time after the delivery, things should go much better than in our studio apartment.
If Yoshi is *really* well behaved, we'll be introducing him personally to our neighbors and explaining that you may hear him be loud rarely during the day, but other than that he's quiet. Hopefully that will minimize the risk of a noise complaint, should he choose to be loud. He's really very quiet most of the time.
But, more good news is Brad should be running his own shop(His boss is wanting to open up another vapor store about an hour away from us, and he's gonna have Brad run it!) either by the end of this year/early next year, so when that happens we'll be moving into a house for a more permanent home situation. :)
So, as long as nothing happens(Yoshi becomes a chronic screamer, we get noise complaints, etc) then the plan is to keep our flock together as best we can. :)
Props to Brad! I've been rooting for Yoshi to stay, so I'm glad things look like they might be working out. (Provisionally, I know)

And I'm glad you've found comfort in this forum. I truly see us as one big happy family up in here! So never hesitate to rant away, Ashley. We've all got your back.
Thanks, Stephen. :) I was rooting for him to stay, too, so I'm glad we could make some changes and make it so I didn't feel like he was unhappy. I know Yoshi is happy, I'm the hormonal one.

Another mini-update..
My grandpa on my dad's side heard about my choice of adoption regarding my pregnancy, and well, he's less-than-happy.
Okay.. he was a complete jerk, and he's decided Brad and I are no longer welcome to visit him in Florida this summer, which is when and where my dad was planning on getting married.
We spat at each other about it for a while, then I realized it's a lost cause, he isn't going to be happy unless he convinces me adoption is wrong so I gave up on that conversation. No use arguing.
Word of our conversation got back to my dad, and much to my dismay my dad sure let him have an earful. I appreciate my dad sticking by me, I just feel bad my WHOLE family is missing their Florida vacation because of my life decisions..
My dad assured me it isn't my 'fault' in any way, and if grandpa wants to be a jerk, then he doesn't want to be around him anyway. I still feel bad, but I understand.
At least my grandpa lives in Florida, and it's not like I have to deal with him giving me dirty looks every day or anything. It's easy to ignore someone on facebook. Maybe one day he'll realize he's being a jerk, but I doubt it, so me and Brad will have to save up for our own vacation like adults. But that's okay. Everything happens for a reason, right? :mad:
Hey Ashley,
I missed the first part of your story, so I won't assume anything. That said it sounds like you are going through some tough life changes and I'm sorry to hear that. Pregnancy and hormones can get to the best of us. Try to get of your own head and and enjoy the support of Brad and your Father. Hang in there and do what's right for you, Sweetie. Like Jen said, go get some fresh air and sunshine. If you have your OB's O.K. for exercise it does wonders for your state of mind. Have fun with your birds and your project, busy hands are good for you too.
Hey Ashley,
I missed the first part of your story, so I won't assume anything. That said it sounds like you are going through some tough life changes and I'm sorry to hear that. Pregnancy and hormones can get to the best of us. Try to get of your own head and and enjoy the support of Brad and your Father. Hang in there and do what's right for you, Sweetie. Like Jen said, go get some fresh air and sunshine. If you have your OB's O.K. for exercise it does wonders for your state of mind. Have fun with your birds and your project, busy hands are good for you too.

Thanks, Allee. :) I'm generally crafty/artsy, so I'm usually finding something to make, and I love making things for my fids, since seeing them enjoy it really makes me happy for them! Which is why I got so excited when I saw your care package to Terry haha. I actually picked up some felt tonight.. :54:
I don't really work out on a regular basis, but I used to roller blade a ton, so we've started bowling once a week(I use a 7lb ball now, rather than my old 11lb one. Just in case, don't want to strain myself.) and then frisbee golf. It's nice because it isn't really strenuous (as long as it isn't hot outside) but you still feel like you've had a nice workout by the time you're done!

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