Perjo tasting new food


Well-known member
Jan 23, 2016
Perjo - Female CAG hatch Nov 2015
Cracks me up. I occassionally take a really small piece of lunch meat to her to see if she'll eat it. Rarely does. Today it was turkey (and she likes turkey breast from the oven), she stuck her tongue on it and pulled back, then she came back to my hand grabbed the turkey and flung it across the room. I came back with another piece and despite her not liking it she grabs it and flings it across the room. We did this for 3 minutes. Now I have to go looking for bits of turkey in my living room.

When I don't like the taste of something I don't go back and put more in my mouth.

Funny little things.
Yep it became a game, lucky me, if I eat ANYTHING, Clark MUST HAS IT ALLS!!!

Then if he doesn't like it, he's like "meh, so um, you making pizza next?"

Yep it became a game, lucky me, if I eat ANYTHING, Clark MUST HAS IT ALLS!!!


Same with Enzo, I started off having a little tapas bowl for any human food I could share with her.... She says stuff that I want from your plate and i want the biggest piece i can see. She's actually forced me to eat a lot healthier these days.

Im not holding my breath but the last 24hrs she is actually pushing her seeds away and searching for the pellets. Result, i hope this stays like this.
VERY NICE bigfellasdad!
Cracks me up. I occassionally take a really small piece of lunch meat to her to see if she'll eat it. Rarely does. Today it was turkey (and she likes turkey breast from the oven), she stuck her tongue on it and pulled back, then she came back to my hand grabbed the turkey and flung it across the room. I came back with another piece and despite her not liking it she grabs it and flings it across the room. We did this for 3 minutes. Now I have to go looking for bits of turkey in my living room.

When I don't like the taste of something I don't go back and put more in my mouth.

Funny little things.

Yep...Perjo was playing games with her servant..seems like they all like to do that from time to time.
Smokey would fling the green grapes as far as she could,then lean over from her roof top,as daddy servant went to fetch it. repeat..repeat..repeat..:rolleyes:
Who has who trained???;)

Just for fun I had a turkey sandwich last night and I gave Timneh a little piece and she loves it. They really all are their own individual. If Timneh doesn't like food she usually opens her mouth and drops it like eeeeew what the heck was that. Sometimes I think she drops stuff for her little four legged buddy. "Where's Bell Bell?" Has Timneh calls my piglet Bella.
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I'm a little bummed today b/c I ran out of the whole wheat elbow macaroni I would give Perjo as a treat added to a meal (not a reward type treat) and now I cannot find the same ones. I bought a new box of what I thought was the same brand but Perjo doesn't like them, and the macaroni is much larger. The macaroni she did LOVE was actually small. Kind of sucks b/c she won't touch the new ones and I really like the fact she would eat the other ones dry, I think she like the loud crunch and taste.

The other thing that just never ceases to crack me up is her vocal response to the food she doesn't like, she makes this incredibly high pitched sound effect and she doesn't do it in any other context except when presented with a food item she doesn't like.
Thats great, I tried some kale and spinach pasta cooked and uncooked she thinks it sucks so did I lol. I'll have to try the whole wheat I tried the pasta thing cause you said perjo liked it. The veggie one really wasn't very good.
I added a canine sevant to the Rb's staff. When he launches food to parts unknown, the dog snarfs them up! Good dog!

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