Perfect 'too


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Clyde, Quaker; Freddie, tiel; Rocky, umbrella cockatoo.
Yesterday was one of those days where, if you'd never met and lived with a cockatoo, you would wonder WHY people talk about how challenging they are.

Rocky was a perfect angel all day. He wanted to snuggle. He wanted to sit on my knee. We toured the house (which is new; he was abused and spent a long time terrified to be out of sight of his cage). In between, he sat on his cage, fluffy and content, played with his toys quietly (QUIETLY!!!) and didn't even try to yank the curtains off the window. I offered a bath and he declined, but he let me dribble water on him and didn't object. He sat on my shoulder, which I usually discourage, but came back down to my arm without argument when I asked. He was in such a mellow mood that I wasn't worried about him being on my shoulder.
That sounds lovely :)
Good days....are good days! The more the better! lol

I definitely get a lot of "Tantrum" days when I work, no doubt about that.

Glad to hear Rocky is doing so well!
But they can change moods in a nanosecond! And then reverse and become loveable a few moments later!
Look for one of those giant seed pods in the yard.... :D

"INVASION OF THE BIRDIE SNATCHERS..." (Anyone remember that movie?)

Seriously, who are you, and what did you do with my bird?!
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Rocky really is a very good boy for the most part. He has his moments, of course. He's still a 'too. LOL I think maybe he's had such upheaval and so much bad stuff in his life that living with us has made him mellow. Or rather, more mellow than he was before. He can still display and scream with the volume of a tornado siren when he wants to and nothing ... NOTHING ... will make him stop until he's darned good and ready. You should see the expression on our dog Jack's face when he starts screaming.
Valerie, Rocky's playing you! U2's are manipulative scoundrels! :)
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LOL. No doubt. But he's such a love sponge. Nothing makes him happier than snuggling up for a cuddle session. Last night I was crooning, "Him's a good too-too" and Hubby walked by and said, "What he's good for is entertaining his mama." LOL
Rocky really is a very good boy for the most part. He has his moments, of course. He's still a 'too. LOL I think maybe he's had such upheaval and so much bad stuff in his life that living with us has made him mellow. Or rather, more mellow than he was before. He can still display and scream with the volume of a tornado siren when he wants to and nothing ... NOTHING ... will make him stop until he's darned good and ready. You should see the expression on our dog Jack's face when he starts screaming.

LOL...Amy will yell SHUT UP! when The Cockatoo Man starts acting up..I wonder where she got THAT from?? :54:

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As much as 'too shrieking hurts our human ears, it probably causes even more discomfort for dog ears, and Jack is young and healthy so his hearing is at its peak. Gigi, our elderly lab, probably has some hearing loss, and while she sighs and gives me dirty looks when Rocky screams, she doesn't give me that panicked reaction I get from Jack.

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