PBFD and psittacosis, could there be a link to Lyme Disease?


New member
Feb 22, 2011
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10 years ago both Gus, my Goffins cockatoo and Charlie, an umbrella cockatoo, tested positive for PBFD. My precious Charlie became very ill over time and died in 2005, his post mortem showed that he had psittacosis.

Gus is doing great, apart from minor feather loss and a slightly overgrown beak, you wouldn’t know that he has PBFD. :)

Just before I lost Charlie, I became very ill with Lyme Disease (though my Doctor thinks I had the infection for years before) and quickly became disabled and I guess I’m wondering if there could be a link somewhere?

I need to get Gus tested for Lyme and maybe I should get tested for psittacosis? A great Lyme Disease Doctor, Dr Burrascano, in his treatment guidelines which are published online, says to "search for concurrent infections including viruses, chlamydias and mycoplasmas" and another name for Psittacois is Chlamydia Psittaci.

One big coincidence or might this all be related I wonder?

I'd love some feedback on this please.

Many thanks!

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Welcome to the forum!:D I am sorry to hear about your loss and current situation. I wish there was something we could do for you.:(

Psittacosis is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted to humans but it is very rare. The disease can be treated in both birds and humans.

PBFD is a completely different disease that are caused by a virus. It is not transmitted to humans. This disease can not be treated and it is therefore fatal.

I dont know much about Lime disease except that it is caused by ticks.

I am not sure if I understand your question. You are asking if it is possible that you contracted Lyme disease from your psittacosis positive birds? If the two diseases can in some way be interlinked?

I am also confused because you say your birds was tested positive for PBFD but the post mortem showed psittacosis? It is completely two different diseases?
Most parrots which are very sick with PBFD die from a secondry complication such as a bacterial disease because the immune system has been compromised by the virus. I would also think that the Chalmaydia your Doctor is talking about may not be realated to bird psittacosis at all but in fact is one of the sexually transmitted Chalmydia by humans.

So with my understanding i would think Lyme Disease has no link to your parrots virus or bacterial disease.
Thats right, I suppose the psittacosis was picked up after the PBFD. But why do a post mortem when you know he had PBFD?

It is just puzzling me.

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