Parrotlet experience?


New member
Jan 8, 2015
New Mexico
--PUMPKIN - male YS GCC. Hatched Halloween Day 2014. Came home Jan. 4, 2015. Started talking in July '15!

-BUTTERNUT- female TYS GCC Hatched in late Jan. 2016 and came home March 14, 2016
I had a yellow sided turquoise green cheek lined up but sadly it turned out to be a girl. :( We have firmly decided on another male. SOOOOOO my breeder has a male turquoise normal baby or a male blue parrotlet. I am leaning toward the parrotlet for a few different reasons, they are said to be about as quiet as green cheeks, i think it would be interesting to have a different species, My research suggests that parrotlets are a little less clingy than green cheeks would might be good so Punk does not feel like he is competing for attention, and they are adorable.

What i am worried about is that i have heard some do not get along well with other birds. Will this be the case if it is a baby when I bring it home and it has its own large cage? I am not worried about being territorial of his cage because that is his space, but will he be able to come out and play on a gym with Pumpkin? How stand offis are they exactly? I dont mind it not being a velcro bird, but I dont want a species that will hit puberty and hate me either.

I also have the option of a normal turquoise green cheek but it would not be my first choice for color sake. Or I could wait for another clutch. Opinions?
I've done a bit a research on them myself, but not personal experience. They are adorable! They are known for being a bit of terror around other birds. However, if you are getting a baby he will probably adapt to pumpkin without an issue. I'd worry more about Pumpkin nipping him. Luckily gcc's are not that big either, so you dont' have quiet the scares of trying to introduce a little to even a mid sized parrot.

I know you already have a cage ready and the house prepared. I think you'll do great with him. I also agree you might have an easier time with a different species. Of course this is coming from someone who has a single gcc too...and Foo loves me and is jealous of other birds.

I'm kinda of excited for you. I'd love to have a little parrotlet. But it will be a long time before I add anyone new now that we have Ellie. I could live precariously through you. :)
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Thanks Mimsy! I obviously have a lot to consider. Haha ive been considering this for months, at some point i need to make a decision haha. I am so excited, whatever I choose, it has been a fun experience weighing my options and preparing.
I've had my two Parrotlets for about two years now, they are both tame but it is work and a lot of out of cage time every day to make sure they don't become skittish. Having two of them does make it more difficult, but I just love that they have each other, it gives them a lot of independence.

As far as two different species interacting it's really up to the personalities of the birds. In my situation it would be too dangerous to allow them around Johnny my Eclectus. Too much of a risk and even though he’s gentle, my female Parrotlet is FULL of spunk and has no idea how small she is. Without a doubt she would continue to nip, squawk, and push him to react. The male Parrotlet is a complete sweetheart and though I would never take the chance in my situation, he would probably be okay with other like sized birds.

One of my only disappointments with Parrotlets is their super cute small size. I was so excited when they warmed up to me, but when I try cuddle or pet them my fingers just feel like huge sausages and you have to be very delicate. I’m happy they have each other to give cuddles and preen because my interactions were a bit awkward, even though they were kind to be tolerant of me.

On the upside, they’re still happy to ride around our shoulders and can be picked up by anyone. Our friends are always enchanted by them, but I’m always slightly jealous of you Conure owners J
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they are said to be about as quiet as green cheeks,

It could be because I have the two together but they are NOT quiet at all. They produce way more noise than my Eclectus and it can be constant.

Favorite times to chirp at the top of their little lungs:
1. Any day you try to sleep in
2. When watching a movie
3. When working and trying to concentrate

LOL they are very wonderful and it's again, usually the female that initiates the chatter but don't be fooled by their size. :54:
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Thanks everyone I love reading all of your stories. Of I am ever super busy with homework or something I am lucky enough to have a cage setup in two rooms so if the noise is bothering me I can move the birds to the other room.

I am hoping that getting a baby it will bond well with Pumpkin and hopefully pumpkin accepts the new baby. That's why I am getting another now before he starts becoming sexually bonded to me. That is very sad and I want him to hopefully understand that.
Favorite times to chirp at the top of their little lungs:
1. Any day you try to sleep in
2. When watching a movie
3. When working and trying to concentrate

I had a giggle at that one. I can imagine! Also in your other post above about your fingers being like sausages LOL but yes they're absolutely tiny. So adorable, I'd love one!

Good luck Ann, with your decision :).
I have two parrotlets and they are so different from one another that it's like they're a different species. One is sweet, calm, affectionate and quiet, who will spent hours and hours being scritched or just being with you. The other is a little spitfire, hellion, high-strung troublemaker, loud guy, who can't sit still for any amount of time. He can make more noise than any other bird in this family, and has a unique talent for alarming the masses for a giant scream-off. I love them both, but they absolutely do not love each other (both are males). Whenever I read generalizations about parrotlets, I always think of my two: each on the very extreme of the spectrum. Choose carefully. ;-)
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Thank you so much for your experience. One of the best things about birds is that they have such individual personalities. You never know what youre going to get unless you adopt an older bird. It does make decisions like this difficult though haha.
I have had Kiwi going on 3 years now. She is a lil spitfire, and a bully. Not very accepting of other birds at all. I personally think P'lets are like this by nature. I don't think it matters if they are the first bird or an addition, they will take over. If you have never seen a parrotlet stomp around, having a hissy fit, its funny but not a pretty sight. Kiwi is very jealous of anything I may be holding in my hand, but she is also very forgiving too.
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I was waiting for you to respond. :) what age did you get kiwi? I know you had a lot of trouble with her around other birds. What do you think contributed to those issues? Timing/age, species incompatibility, cage location, or just personality?
I was waiting for you to respond. :) what age did you get kiwi? I know you had a lot of trouble with her around other birds. What do you think contributed to those issues? Timing/age, species incompatibility, cage location, or just personality?

Sorry I haven't been here in quite a while. I got Kiwi at 8 wks of age. She was just weaned... Then I got Rio 2 weeks later, they were the same age. I thought that raising them together would have had a better outcome. So I don't think timing, cage, or location had anything to do with it. I personally think its the species. Maybe she would get along better with the same species but I am not going to find out. She is happy and content being a loner, with me as her side kick. :22:
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Sounds like I am making the right decision getting another conure. Which is too bad, parrotlets are cute.
Have you heard of Bowie the Indian Ringneck on YouTube? She also has two parrotlets and a small dog, I believe. She just posted a few videos explaining that her female parrotlet(Smokey) had been annoyed with Bowie, and flew at him and tried to bite/attack him. Bowie got annoyed and bit under her wing. Thankfully not that hard. But Smokey had to go to the vets, and spent three days overnight because of being lethargic, possibly having a fracture, and it was swollen. She explained that her parrotlets are big bullies, and I guess she also said that parrotlets all seem to be, in general. Imagine a parrotlet, if given the chance, attack something much bigger than bird slightly larger than a Cockatiel! :eek:
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Yes I have seen some of those videos but I didn't hear that they were having issues. That is very unfortunate. :( I guess it is just a species thing. Good to know. I know it is no guarantee, but I want the best chance available of Pumpkin having a new friend. It would probably do him well to have another bird in the house one way or the other, but I am hoping they will be friends. It does not sound like a parrotlet is the best choice for that.
Oh! I almost forgot, although her birds do get along relatively well, there have been a few accidents prior to that. The Indian Ringneck has bitten the parrotlets toes before because the parrotlet always antagonized him. Ultimately, the tips of the toes ended up falling off! I think she is still a great mom, nevertheless, and a parrot owner will face those issues sometime in parrot ownership.

And I agree with you! Although parrotlets are wonderful little creatures, if you want the new bird to have a potential being Pumpkin's close friend, I would go with the little baby conure. They would probably get along the best. The sizes will be similiar, so I think you would be less wary when they react, and they would feel comfortable because of that. :)
I have only had two experiences with parrotlets. Both of those bear up what I have read about the species. They are tiny birds that think that they are the size of a Macaw. First experience a parrotlet was placed on a play stand at a Pet Shop along with a dozen other parrots of all different types. Cockatoos, Amazons, Conyers and a few others. This parrotlet chased all the other parrots away from one section of the play stand and proceeded to make that section its own. no fear no hesitation just went right in and started to nip at the feet of these other parrots. it was pretty amazing to see this tiny bird taking over that section of the play stand. The other time was at a bird show where all the other parrots that were on display were very calm, collected and nicely behaved. The one parrotlet that they had kept jumping off the display area and strutting around the whole store area, and constantly made the staff chase it around the store area. Both times you could see how dominant this tiny little bird was, and all the other parents gave way. Napoleon complex kicked into high gear. I could imagine keeping 1 of these birds being very absorbing. But could not see having these into your Flock and integrated really well. good luck and of course pictures, pictures, pictures.
Sounds like I am making the right decision getting another conure. Which is too bad, parrotlets are cute.

Yes, they are cute, but very antagonistic. :54: Kiwi will get so annoyed with the smallest gestures too, snapping fingers, clapping, noise, and plastic bags. Oh she goes ballistic :mad: when I change the trash bag in the kitchen. Or if I am using bubble wrap to send a package she will seek out the bubble wrap. Or chase me down if I am holding it. Paper towels, toilet paper, kleenex - hates them all! If I am holding something in my hand, she will walk down my arm and bite my hand hard for me to release it. Not good when its a hot cup of coffee. :eek: Such a brat!

She is very proficient in flying now, but I had to resort to a soft clip on her so I could get things done without her getting her tail feathers all ruffled. So now she can't get very far, and can glide to the ground, but she can't fly across the room when she is ticked because I am using my blow dryer. :31: So It was either soft clip or leave her in her cage all the time and I couldn't do that. I think you are making the right decision.
Have you heard of Bowie the Indian Ringneck on YouTube? She also has two parrotlets and a small dog, I believe. She just posted a few videos explaining that her female parrotlet(Smokey) had been annoyed with Bowie, and flew at him and tried to bite/attack him. Bowie got annoyed and bit under her wing. Thankfully not that hard. But Smokey had to go to the vets, and spent three days overnight because of being lethargic, possibly having a fracture, and it was swollen. She explained that her parrotlets are big bullies, and I guess she also said that parrotlets all seem to be, in general. Imagine a parrotlet, if given the chance, attack something much bigger than bird slightly larger than a Cockatiel! :eek:

I saw that video. Parrotlets are a danger to themselves when it comes to antagonizing much larger birds. Kiwi was also almost killed by Rio. I had to keep them clipped, and watch them like a hawk. Accidents do happen even when precautions are taken. I have seen Kiwi give my husband the what for several times because she doesn't like what he is doing. We allowed her flight feathers to grow back for exercise, but now she is soft clipped, for her own safely.
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Yes I have seen some of those videos but I didn't hear that they were having issues. That is very unfortunate. :( I guess it is just a species thing. Good to know. I know it is no guarantee, but I want the best chance available of Pumpkin having a new friend. It would probably do him well to have another bird in the house one way or the other, but I am hoping they will be friends. It does not sound like a parrotlet is the best choice for that.

Not always the case. It could change Pumpkin's personality. He has been with you alone all this time. Has an established "territory." And he loves you, which adding another bird could really upset him. Or it could be the greatest thing. Just some thing to think about. I would steer clear of Plets. Save yourself the aggravation.

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