Parrotlet breathing


New member
Jul 20, 2024
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Parrotlet and cockatiel
Hi Iā€™ve attached a video of my parrotlet breathing Iā€™ve noticed her breathing has been slightly faster recently. Is this a normal breathing speed for a relaxed parrotlet or not? I think I will order a fecal screening to check everything is normal there but Iā€™m worried about her


  • filtered-B7778359-2D0C-4396-AE37-4A22EC702D2E.mp4
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I dont know about regular breathing rate of a resting parrotlet, but if something is worrying you, by all means have him checked by a qualified AVIAN vet - no dog and cat vets, please. It will a) put you at ease and b) if something is wrong you will have nipped it in the bud.
I dont know about regular breathing rate of a resting parrotlet, but if something is worrying you, by all means have him checked by a qualified AVIAN vet - no dog and cat vets, please. It will a) put you at ease and b) if something is wrong you will have nipped it in the bud.
I donā€™t have an avian vet within 200 miles of me else I would
Thatā€™s unfortunate. If no avails vet is close, the next best thing would be an exotic vet.

Hereā€™s our resource thread where you can check:

Honestly, the rate of breathing doesn't worry me, but the way she's fluffed up, particularly around her vent, could be worrisome. A relaxed bird will often fluff up and she does look like she's maybe sleepy, but a lethargic bird will often look like a relaxed/sleepy bird... so, without more context it's hard to say.

If she spends all day THAT fluffed up tho, I would absolutely be concerned and trying to find an exotic vet. Is her vent (around the cloaca) dirty with poop? Do her poops look unusual?
Honestly, the rate of breathing doesn't worry me, but the way she's fluffed up, particularly around her vent, could be worrisome. A relaxed bird will often fluff up and she does look like she's maybe sleepy, but a lethargic bird will often look like a relaxed/sleepy bird... so, without more context it's hard to say.

If she spends all day THAT fluffed up tho, I would absolutely be concerned and trying to find an exotic vet. Is her vent (around the cloaca) dirty with poop? Do her poops look unusual?
To be fair, she was tired when this video was taken at 9pm she had woken up at 9am that day so the puffing up is probably due to that. She doesnā€™t puff up much during the day sometimes for like 10 mins at a time but sheā€™s very active and is out of her cage the majority of the time. Her poops seem normal most of the time sometimes she will have ones which look abnormal like colour changes and watery ones but then she does have a varied diet and drinks a lot. I just was worried about her breathing because I hadnā€™t noticed her breathing before usually you can barely see her breathe but I may of not been paying much attention and I know birds hide illnesses well so Iā€™m always worrying about minor differences I notice. And no she has nothing by her vent her feathers are always clean
I would suggest Just Answer for $35/month. Ask for Dr Mike. I ended up taking in my Green Cheek Conure & they tested & elevated white count. This was after saying, no, not unusual.
2. I had a parrotlet that died after 24 hours. Their little lungs are sooooo small & fragile. By the time you see illness, it can be too late.
3. This is my opinion. 30 years vet experience.
4. Will be costly & cause more stress. Beware of cooking products in home & exhaust while Traveling.
I would looks concerning.
Is it a new acquisition?
A. Rapid breathing.
B. Puffed up
C. Sleepy. Does it sleep too much ?
D. Young old ?

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