Parrot jerking body?


New member
Sep 16, 2013
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North Carolina
Rocky - Yellow-Faced Quaker Parrot
My quaker parrot has started doing something strange. He randomly jerks his body. He'll just be sitting on my shoulder and he will suddenly just kind of jump. His whole body jerks. I read on the Internet it could be seizures. I don't know. He doesn't do it very often but it is often enough to get worried about. He is fine otherwise. I am very paranoid about everything so it could just be nothing. What do you guys think? Thank you.
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Are you sure he's not just giving his feathers a quick shake? Is this something you can get a video clip of?
Thanks guys i don't really know what it was but he hasn't really been doing it anymore so I think it was nothing serious.
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I'm thinking same as QuakerMom and MegaPixel -- is he shaking out his feathers. Can u watch him when on your shoulder, or set a mirror in front of you or a laptop with camera facing you so that you can see if he is just shaking out his feathers.
When I first got my Lily, she used to jerk one or both of her wings. She made one chirping sound along with the jerk. I knew this couldn't be normal. It drove me nuts watching her doing this. A couple days later I finally figured it out while watching her doing this. She did this at 1 second interval. It was the loud ticking wall clock that used to be above of her sleeping cage. I remembered that some of my guests who spent the night on the loft complained about the same clock. They ended up removing the battery or put it out in the balcony to get some rest. That clock is now in the garage. I put a quiet digital wall clock in the loft instead. Lily is back to normal 2 days after the clock was removed.
My conure does it too and I couldn't figure out why until I noticed he did it anytime he saw any sort if bird (or any movement) thru the nearest window. Next time he does it, look quick outside and if you see any movement that might be it. If they can see the sky they got one eye on it at all times.
My conure does it too and I couldn't figure out why until I noticed he did it anytime he saw any sort if bird (or any movement) thru the nearest window. Next time he does it, look quick outside and if you see any movement that might be it. If they can see the sky they got one eye on it at all times.

Hey that might be it, because I do have 3 windows in my room. Thanks

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