Parrot drunken, swaying dance?


New member
Aug 9, 2013
San Antonio, TX
Sun conure
My 9mo sun conure has started this weird dance. Thunder looks like he/she has been drugged, and will sway her neck back and forth, stretching it out all the way, and kind of rocking. She looks happy when she's dancing, and will fluff all her feathers out. The first time she did it was after I gave her a special little sugary treat. It reminds me of the possessed cult members in Indiana jones. Thunderbird is an amazing little bird, very sweet, inquisitive, and adventurous. I'm just a little concerned cuz it seems so bizarre. Any ideas?
I think my Sun does this too. She puffs up and rocks back forth. When shes showing off to get your attention :)
My duskies do that, too. It amuses me to see them perform this movement!
My Conure has done this as well. I think it's mostly as a sign of of them saying they own this space, it's basically a territorial display.

Do it yourself, and watch if he/she does it. I have done it and got a response from my bird, I am letting him know I own this space, but in reality he really does. :p

I find bring my bird down to eye level and sometimes dropping him below eye level, lets him know who's boss. He does not do this behavior away from his cage, so the cage is his. I am trying to learn not to brag him out of

of his cage, mostly I let him come out on his own, because it's his cage.
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Chipper, my GCC does this bopping movement with his head that sounds similar to what you are talking about. I try and imitate it and he usually does it right back, sometimes if I have music playing he will do his bopping movement, almost like he's moving his head to the beat! (It's sad, he was way more rhythm than I do)
Like baron1282, I think that what u r describing sounds more like a territorial thing. I think I have a short clip of Pritti doing it and will see if I can find it.

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