Parkers favorite game (photo)


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
Parker and I have developed a game where he puts my nose between his beak and bites down gently, and I let out a loud "HONK". Caught it on camera!

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I love birdie game time! Need to see this game on video so we can fully appreciate the "honk" noise LOL!
Haha cute! Good luck to your nose though :p Jasper's grabbed my nose a couple times! Didn't bite down thankfully but had me worried LOL
I use to kiss my YNA right on the day he kissed back..resulting in a hole right under my lower lip...didn't stop me from kissing him every day though!!
Zilla kisses my nose, preens my eye lashes & eye brows's a trust thing. If I just have to touch her all over then she is gonna "touch" me all over. I trust her 110% with my face, ears, and hands. I guess it all depends on weather you have that 110% trust bond with your bird. I'm super lucky I do! But if I didn't there is no way I would allow her near my face!
LOL! I showed Husband the pic and he got the shivers, lol! He cracks me up! He doesn't understand how I can let Buddy and Venus close to my face. Venus will give me kisses, she'll nuzzle, today she regurgitated in my hair while I was on the phone. We beak wrestle and a new game, peek a boo with a tissue. I love your game, HONK, lol.
Hahaha, Parker gets an award for creativity, courageous of you to play along, Dad! I love the games our birds come up with.
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Ouch miriar! Did it leave a scar??

Allee, it's not that hard. A bit of biting my partner aside, he's very gentle with me so I had no qualms when he started doing it.

I'll post a video tomorrow. He was just munching on a habanero soi don't want that beak near me tonight >_<

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