Parakeet encounter with a cat. Please help!


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Oct 14, 2012
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My first bird was a parakeet named Buddy (passed away November 8, 2012). My newest friend is a parakeet named Chipper.
I feel so horrible right now. I had taken my parakeet, Buddy, out of his cage to hold him and pet him. I sometimes take him out to the living room to sit with him...well, I didn't realize it, but my mom's cat was out there. I didn't see her, she was sitting on the floor. Buddy decided to jump out of my hand and flew down to the floor, right by the cat. Before I could do anything, she pawed him and the next thing I knew Buddy had taken off and there were a bunch of feathers on the floor. I grabbed the cat as fast as I could, but Buddy had already taken off. I found him in a corner at the other side of the room. He didn't seem to be hurt, but I was shocked to see that some of his tail feathers were gone.

I had read that birds can drop feathers out of fear. He lost a lot of feathers! I don't see any bald spots and I checked him everywhere and he doesn't seem to be hurt. But I just feel so horrible. I literally started crying when I found his tail feathers on the floor. :(

He seemed to be in shock for a while. I took him to my bedroom and pet him and talked to him for a while to try to calm him down. He stayed perched on my finger and wouldn't move. He seemed to get a little better. I took out a toy ball he loves to play with and put him on my bed. He started chewing on it and chasing it like he usually does. But when I put him back in his cage, he's just perched in a corner and he's not doing anything. I did see him stretch his wings and yawn, but he's not doing anything else.

What should I do? I'm so scared that he lost so many feathers like this at once. He is molting right now anyway, but I'm afraid that him losing so many feathers at once and getting scared like this is going to be a lot of stress for him. This is my first pet bird, and I don't know what to do. I love this little bird.


Update: He is starting to move around a little more, and he just stretched his legs and his wings again. So maybe he's just sleepy now. But if anyone can give me some advice about what to do, please help. :(
Just calm down. If you don't see any blood, and he's doing normal activities, he's probably okay. Just scared. Wouldn't you be, if a cat 100 times your size grabbed you? Losing tail feathers is a natural defense to help get away. Again, no blood=okay. Especially since he's molting also. They came out easier. Leave him alone for now. Let him go to sleep. As long as he's not obviously hurt, he's probably okay. Get some sleep yourself.
I'm starting to think parakeets are much better off alone in a cage.
I had a blood feather with my parakeet, and I couldnt grab him right or anything to check his wing.. all i could do was yank it out and keep poking him with a qtip covered in blood medicine..
my parakeet will no longer be coming out of his cage.
much safer for him and he feels much happier and safer alone. they dont really have to be taken out and pet. especially with the danger that is carries.
they are just way too fragile and dont deserve to be hurt.

in my opinion, its not worth the risk at all.
So sorry to hear about the big scare you had yesterday evening, ct. :11: How is Buddy this morning? I'm sure he just had the wits scared out of him - and it must have worn him out quite a lot.

As for ConureLady, I respectfully but strongly disagree with your statement. Yes, budgies and parakeets are fragile, but they are FLOCK creatures and do NOT deserve to be condemned to a life by themselves in a cage. Many, if not most of them CRAVE affection, attention, to be near our warm bodies.

They may be small, but they deserve the same attention as their bigger cousins. :)
....Yes, budgies and parakeets are fragile, but they are FLOCK creatures and do NOT deserve to be condemned to a life by themselves in a cage. Many, if not most of them CRAVE affection, attention, to be near our warm bodies.

They may be small, but they deserve the same attention as their bigger cousins. :)

I completely agree. I think there is a commitment to a flock bird to not keep it jailed forever.

I'm so sorry to hear about this cat encounter but it sounds like your baby is physically okay, even with the feathers dropping off. I would just do all I can to let him know that you are keeping him safe by your actions and tone and touch.

I feel like every story I have heard about pet birds being attached by cats just sticks in the front of my mind, even from when I was a kid (long time ago, lol). I know that many many MANY homes do fine with cats and birds living under same roof, but it just seems like the potential for cat/bird trauma is always lurking.

I've always wondered, since I don't have cats due to allergies, is it common or uncommon for cats to go up to the caged birds and stare, try to touch or communicate with them?
I think Buddy is going to be ok. :)

He seems to have a lot of energy, and he was playing with his toy ball in his cage. He was chirping, and he perched on my hand. It just makes me sad seeing some of his tail feathers missing. I know they'll grow back, but he just looks so weird right now. I wonder if he's going to feel depressed when he tries to preen and sees his missing tail feathers?

I definitely learned my lesson. From now on, before I take him out to another room, I'll look to be sure where the cat is. I didn't see her, so I assumed that she wasn't in the living room. That was my mistake. Next time, I'll find her and put her in another room or something first. I guess I can't really be mad at the cat since she was just doing what was instinctual.

My other concern is, should I be concerned about any long term effects from him losing so many feathers at once? I'm worried about that putting a lot of stress on his little body. Does anyone have advice for what I should do to help him right now, or anything I need to look out for?

And ConureLady, please do not keep your bird imprisoned in a cage all the time. They DO need attention from us. It's scary when they get hurt...this incident definitely scared me. But I would never keep Buddy in his cage all the time. That would be cruel. I just realize I made a mistake and I'll be more careful from now on. But I'm still going to take Buddy out of his cage to pet him and play with him.
Our birds are our children, and like children, you have to let them experience life. They are free creatures with wings to be more free than we are! Just like our kids, you cannot protect them from everything. And, like our kids, they will get hurt, upset, scared, and everything else. As their guardians, we have an obligation to protect them, but, also to let them learn about their life, their limitations, and the world around them. Keeping your bird caged all the time will make him aggressive, cage possessive, and depressed. Plus, neurotic and possibly physically handicapped from lack of exercise. Try to minimize the dangers, but, please let them be birds!
....Yes, budgies and parakeets are fragile, but they are FLOCK creatures and do NOT deserve to be condemned to a life by themselves in a cage. Many, if not most of them CRAVE affection, attention, to be near our warm bodies.

They may be small, but they deserve the same attention as their bigger cousins. :)

I completely agree. I think there is a commitment to a flock bird to not keep it jailed forever.

I'm so sorry to hear about this cat encounter but it sounds like your baby is physically okay, even with the feathers dropping off. I would just do all I can to let him know that you are keeping him safe by your actions and tone and touch.

I feel like every story I have heard about pet birds being attached by cats just sticks in the front of my mind, even from when I was a kid (long time ago, lol). I know that many many MANY homes do fine with cats and birds living under same roof, but it just seems like the potential for cat/bird trauma is always lurking.

I've always wondered, since I don't have cats due to allergies, is it common or uncommon for cats to go up to the caged birds and stare, try to touch or communicate with them?

I strongly agree with both of you, all of us had terrifying experiences with birds but it doesn't mean we put them in a cage for they're rest of they're life if they almost get hurt. It's like saying I'd a child scraped his knee on a side walk you would never lock him up in a house.A budgie is a flock creature, my budgies can't even stand me going for school as they would attach to me in the morning and never get off. I do not mean to be rude. But if you are too scared to take a bird out please put it in a aviary where it can interact with other living things. It's better for it then to be in a cage alone for his whole life. Now back to the original question, GREAT , so happy he getting better. I am saying the same thing the other user said , as long as they're no blood you don't need to worry. I would just worry about the cat. I would pit the cat in another room or carrier while a bird is out . I would take it for a check up to make sure everything is okay . I don't think it's stressed out , since you said it was chirping and stuff. I would just take him out in the room it was in.
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Thanks, BirdLover. And thanks to everyone for replying. Especially BillsBirds. You really helped me feel better that night. I felt absolutely horrible...I felt so guilty, and I was also afraid that something was going to happen to Buddy. I've always heard that stress is really bad for birds, and I was afraid that he was going to have a heart attack or go into shock or something. I've never had a pet bird before, so this is all new to me. But he seems to be okay.

Today, he seemed like his normal self. He was eating and chirping and playing with his toy ball. He let me pet him and perched on my hand with no hesitation. So I don't think he's freaked out anymore. I scratched him on his head and neck, and he really liked that, and started nibbling on my fingers like he usually does. :)

The only thing I'm still a bit concerned about is him losing so many feathers at once, and what kind of stress that might put on his body. Like I said, this is the first pet bird I've ever had and I'm still learning about all this. He seems fine for now, but I want to be sure his feathers grow back right and that he doesn't have any other problems. I'm planning to call the bird farm where I got him, to ask what I should do. They take great care of their birds and they seem really knowledgeable.
Thanks, BirdLover. And thanks to everyone for replying. Especially BillsBirds. You really helped me feel better that night. I felt absolutely horrible...I felt so guilty, and I was also afraid that something was going to happen to Buddy. I've always heard that stress is really bad for birds, and I was afraid that he was going to have a heart attack or go into shock or something. I've never had a pet bird before, so this is all new to me. But he seems to be okay.

Today, he seemed like his normal self. He was eating and chirping and playing with his toy ball. He let me pet him and perched on my hand with no hesitation. So I don't think he's freaked out anymore. I scratched him on his head and neck, and he really liked that, and started nibbling on my fingers like he usually does. :)

The only thing I'm still a bit concerned about is him losing so many feathers at once, and what kind of stress that might put on his body. Like I said, this is the first pet bird I've ever had and I'm still learning about all this. He seems fine for now, but I want to be sure his feathers grow back right and that he doesn't have any other problems. I'm planning to call the bird farm where I got him, to ask what I should do. They take great care of their birds and they seem really knowledgeable.

Hey there, glad everything is ok now! My Rio had most of her tail feathers "removed" by my husbands boxer (dog) she recovered just fine without any ill effects or anything. Maybe since your lil guy is going through a molt right now also, you could up his protein some. Scrambled eggs and other things. LOL Im drawing a total blank right now. Look up high potency diets for molting or when birds are breeding. That might help. Sorry Im drawing a blank on foods right now, sheesh. But hope this helps a little.
Best of luck to both of you.

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