Pak-o-bird for an alexandrine?


New member
Aug 4, 2012
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'Ringo' - alexandrine, hatched 2012 ~ 'Prinny' - princess parrot, 1992-2012 RIP
Hi all,

Wondering if anyone has used a pak-o-bird with a long-tailed bird like an alexandrine, and if so how they found it?

Am considering getting a Medium-Large size for my alex, but would love to hear of other's experiences before I part with that much cash$$. Am also not sure about what perch height I should order to accommodate the long tail-?

Thanks in advance :)
I have one for my grey and had lots of questions. Give them a call they are very nice and can help figure out the best for you. Most of them have multiple perch heights so you can adjust to suit your bird.

Good luck
I have one for my Alex. If I knew how to post pics from my phone I would. The pak works great, and my bird loves to go on walks in it. He actually puts himself in the pak when I bring it out., I think it was the medium large, and my bird's tail sometimes touches the bottom. This does worry me, as he doesn't have his adult feathers yet. I had the perch screwed in at the highest spot possible. FYI, I only use it to let him travel in. I heard other people's birds have destroyed theirs, so I hide mine when it's not in use.
Hmm, maybe I'd better order it with higher perch positions then? Would your alex still have enough head-room in the pak-o-bird if the perch was a bit higher khaigha?
He has maybe 3 inches head clearance at the moment. I'm not too worried as he's learned to face into the back and not the mesh, which gives him some more space for his tail.
So, for anyone else who may be considering one for their alex, I heard back from the people who make pak-o-bird & they recommend the standard 13" perch height for alexandrines in a Med-Large pak-o-bird. I've been hunting for pics of alexandrines in them, but so far this is all I've found:

...doesn't really help much, but it's something! I *think* the pic is of a Medium size pak-o-bird(?)
These packs are awesome and I am talking from experience. I talk my parrot walking, fishing, kayaking and it really good in the car as at the back there is a place to put the seat belt. You can get these in Australia with the stainless windows and extra panels from .:green:

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