Pair of Rosella's For Aviary


New member
Oct 27, 2012
South Australia
Rocky the Galah! & Cocky the Sulphur Crested Cockatoo!
Hi guys,
I have 3 aviaries and only 2 are homes to my doves and finches.
I was wandering if I should get a pair of Eastern Rosella's for my empty aviary? The aviary is 3 meters wide, 2 meters deep and 3 meters high.
Is that enough room for 1 pair of eastern Rosella's being housed on their own?

I have bred numerous amounts of species of birds before including: Parrots, doves and finches. So I have experience.
I have done some research lately and will be doing much more.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated,
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Forgot to mention, I will not be hand rearing the babies. Unless the parents abandon the eggs/chicks for any reason, (unless if its because they are first time parents,I want them to learn from their mistakes...). Thats what most bird parents do if first timers.
Mike :)

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