Update- I tried the raisins for the first time yesterday, and he did his normal nibble then watch and listen to it drop. But I took a little bit off of the end of one and tried again, and he actually took a few bites out of it and seemed to enjoy it before dropping it down into the death bed of vegetables, fruits, pellets and nuts. Today, while training in the cage, he actually took it as a reward and again took a few bites before dropping. Thanks for the suggestion, LordTriggs, since although noting gets a response like apples, raisins seem to have the second best reaction plus they are easy to keep in my pocket as rewards, since the brand here in the states has them in small cardboard boxes.
I let him or her out for the second time today. He was out for 3 hours, and mainly perched up on the same floor lamp. But muuuuch less panicked flying, and really no crash landings to speak of, just bad landing spot selection a couple of times again. He was really just relaxing up there (lots of beak grinding and standing on one foot relaxing) so I decided to try some target training. It worked! (the first time he was out, he completely ignored any attempts I made at targeting) He hopped & climbed his way from one lamp arm to another to get to the target then took the reward (eventually... the first couple times he flew back to his favorite lamp arm then had to work his way back to get the reward). After a couple of these, it was going so well, I held up my perch (still not finger tame, and I have to use a perch at this point) and took a couple of steps back. He actually flew to the perch when I said "come here" (my targeting cue for him) I was so happy I blurted out something and scared him and he flew back to the lamp without his reward, but I couldn't believe he flew to me! So awesome!

I gave him some breaks between training, but I think he flew to the perch about 6 times!! One time, he even stayed on the perch to start eating his reward, which was cool! normally he flies back to his lamp arm carrying his reward and eats it up there. Amazing how much progress for just the second time out. (Been 3 days since the crazy first time out, and I went straight back to basics to work on basic targeting for the last two days, which I think helped!)
Getting him back in the cage... same crazy battle. Had to use the perch to get him to step up, try to carry him back to the cage, and he'd fly away. He wouldn't fly to the perch if I was too far away and too close to his cage. (clever little birdo!

) Probably a dozen or two tries with the perch and I got him back in. He again was pretty grumpy for a little while, but persistence in talking soothingly to him softened him back up, and all eventually was forgiven.
Huge steps made today, and I couldn't have done it without all the great help & suggestions from the wonderful people here and without all the knowledge I gained from reading the very helpful posts! Thank you all for your help!! :60: