i agree with much of what she's says. Some of it for different reasons but most is sound advice. i think you should realize she (as a AV) has a vested interest in recommending Harrison pellets. i'm sure they are very good (and expensive) pellets but they are only available through a vet. The Vet's mark up is protected because harrison will only sell through the Vet's distributor. no chance a pet store can get them and sell them cheaper. Now, if they where available on the open market and a vet recommended them, that would be a different story. Ever wonder why so many AV's recommend Harrisons,they are the only ones selling them! I'm sorry but that throws up a red flag in my opinion.
I never knew this before. Very interesting that vets push pellets so hard because they sell them. I always thought they only sold the "special" RX pellets for birds with liver or kidney disease, not "all purpose" pellets.
I always get reamed at the vets office because I refuse to feed pellets. Doesn't matter I feed tons of fresh produce and a healthy beans/grains mix (or that Kiwi is in perfect health because he eats a nutritionally sound diet)

If only the vets knew I also give him (a small amount) of SEED and the occasional NUT too (the horror! the abuse!), though I opt to leave those out of the dietary "discussion"