our dog is yellow (vent)


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
So I have a dog at work, Trestle, who is usually pretty laid back and mellow. However recently shes been kind of pacey and whiney but we chalked that off to her puppies being weaned and her not being able to be with them (shes a very overbearing mother) and they're going home this week and she usually gets a little whiney when her pups go home. so we weren't worried However I come into work today and she doesnt greet me like she normally would but I dont even realize that because I have all the other dogs greeting me. Then I go to let the other dogs out and I notice her laying next to the water buckets and shes just curled up unmoving. I'm a little worried at this point but just chalk it up to her being in one of her mellow moods and not wanting to get up. But then i talk to my boss a little and she says she hasnt been able to get Trestle eat or go outside or anything and shes just very listless. So we really look her over and we notice her gums and stomach and inside of her ears and etc are just really yellow. We take her temp and shes at 103f which just a degree above normal for dogs so it wasnt bad. We try offering her treats and water and she just wants nothing to do with it when usually she is ALL over treats. we try to get her up to walk a little and she really doesnt want to but we get her up and she walks a little before going to lay back down. So we get into contact with our normal vet and he says its either something to do with her blood or liver. so we bring Trestle to him and he says he will do blood and give her fluids and do whatever he can but theres a good chance she will have to go to the emergency clinic and get a ultrasound and infusion. So right now we are waiting to hear back.

Today's just a mess for us. I tried to get gas before work and my debit card was rejected and it was rejected a bunch yday too and I really dont know why so I had to wait for my dad to come pay for the gas since i didnt have enough to get to work. So that was a pain. And then my boss has a few different doctor appointments today, we have someone visiting a puppy today, and then we have another dog getting an ultrasound to see if shes pregnant. Then we have PACFA (organization that makes sure animal related businesses are doing good) coming tomorrow for a yearly review so we want to make sure the place is really nice and clean. its just a busy day and poor Trestle.
So I have a dog at work, Trestle, who is usually pretty laid back and mellow. However recently shes been kind of pacey and whiney but we chalked that off to her puppies being weaned and her not being able to be with them (shes a very overbearing mother) and they're going home this week and she usually gets a little whiney when her pups go home. so we weren't worried However I come into work today and she doesnt greet me like she normally would but I dont even realize that because I have all the other dogs greeting me. Then I go to let the other dogs out and I notice her laying next to the water buckets and shes just curled up unmoving. I'm a little worried at this point but just chalk it up to her being in one of her mellow moods and not wanting to get up. But then i talk to my boss a little and she says she hasnt been able to get Trestle eat or go outside or anything and shes just very listless. So we really look her over and we notice her gums and stomach and inside of her ears and etc are just really yellow. We take her temp and shes at 103f which just a degree above normal for dogs so it wasnt bad. We try offering her treats and water and she just wants nothing to do with it when usually she is ALL over treats. we try to get her up to walk a little and she really doesnt want to but we get her up and she walks a little before going to lay back down. So we get into contact with our normal vet and he says its either something to do with her blood or liver. so we bring Trestle to him and he says he will do blood and give her fluids and do whatever he can but theres a good chance she will have to go to the emergency clinic and get a ultrasound and infusion. So right now we are waiting to hear back.

Today's just a mess for us. I tried to get gas before work and my debit card was rejected and it was rejected a bunch yday too and I really dont know why so I had to wait for my dad to come pay for the gas since i didnt have enough to get to work. So that was a pain. And then my boss has a few different doctor appointments today, we have someone visiting a puppy today, and then we have another dog getting an ultrasound to see if shes pregnant. Then we have PACFA (organization that makes sure animal related businesses are doing good) coming tomorrow for a yearly review so we want to make sure the place is really nice and clean. its just a busy day and poor Trestle.
I am so sorry…this is just one of those awful days! I hope sweet Trestle will be ok…prayers to you both!
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heard back from the vet and it's some auto immune disorder so shes being transferred to the ER to get a blood transfusion
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heres a picture of her yellow tummy/gums/lips
and her being lethargic. let me find a picture of her on a good day
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SIGH so just talked to the bank and apparently someone in Kansas spent 100$ at a gas station using my card. So they suspended my account. Now they're canceling my card and will send me a new one in, ..... 7 to 15 whole days. I cant go that long without a card I have finances! animals I need to buy stuff for! appointments I need to pay for! etcetc! thankfully my parents are gonna let me use their card but GEEZ

no update on Trestle yet
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So, it's not looking good. Her red blood cells are at less than 15% and shes going to be spending the next however long at the emergency vet getting blood transfusions and tests done. We still have no idea what the cause of this is. She was completely fine yesterday.

I'm going to see about visiting her one of these days, idk if theyll let me though since shes in such critical condition. But I worry especially since she is a shy dog and I'm sure being away from her safe space /people isnt fun for her...
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Wow just to add onto the day, my brother just helped someone who was shot 2-3 times but was still alive and her husband had also been murdered. My brother and SIL are fine but holy crap. I live in a town thats usually pretty safe so this is just... wow.
Wow just to add onto the day, my brother just helped someone who was shot 2-3 times but was still alive and her husband had also been murdered. My brother and SIL are fine but holy crap. I live in a town thats usually pretty safe so this is just... wow.
Wow, that is horrible. My deepest sympathies are with you right now, I hope your situation improves.
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Here's the long of the story involving my brother im just still in shock. My parents told them they're free to come stay with us for a bit for obvious reasons but idk if they will because my brother works from home and idk if he could reasonibly bring his equipment as he's got a pretty big desktop set up. I'm gonna put it in a spoiler (hopefully this works how I hope it does)

Edit: okay if oyu just click on the blurry mess below it should show it.

my brother went to go get his packages from the apartment complex package area and saw a lady on the pavement with a guy hunched over her and my brother rolled down his window and like "do you need help??" and the guy hunched over was like "yes." threw a t shirt on the woman on the ground and ran off (but kinda still hovered around) so my brother got out of his car and the lady had been shot 2-3 times and she was rambling on about how "he killed my husband" "hes going to take my baby" etc so my brother just called 911 and kept pressure on the shot wounds when another couple came down and was asking if they could help and the lady is still rambling about her baby so they get her apartment information and goes and gets her baby who is like 1 year old and her husband is dead in the apartment.
During all of this my SIL knew my brother went to get the mail but he was taking a long time so she went out to get the mail from their normal mailbox and she noticed all the police sirens headed in my brother's direction so she starts freaking out and is calling him and hes not picking up, finally he picks up and is like "im helping a lady that got shot" and hung up. So shes freaking out more, she runs back to her appartment to put their dog and the mail away and then ran back out to find him and she found him giving his statement to the police and etc.
In addition when the police asked who shot her she pointed at the guy who was originally hunched over her that had just been hovering around during this whole thing. He, of course, denied it but the police still arrested him. And that's really scary I'm glad my brother is okay.

Here's the long of the story involving my brother im just still in shock. My parents told them they're free to come stay with us for a bit for obvious reasons but idk if they will because my brother works from home and idk if he could reasonibly bring his equipment as he's got a pretty big desktop set up. I'm gonna put it in a spoiler (hopefully this works how I hope it does)

Edit: okay if oyu just click on the blurry mess below it should show it.

my brother went to go get his packages from the apartment complex package area and saw a lady on the pavement with a guy hunched over her and my brother rolled down his window and like "do you need help??" and the guy hunched over was like "yes." threw a t shirt on the woman on the ground and ran off (but kinda still hovered around) so my brother got out of his car and the lady had been shot 2-3 times and she was rambling on about how "he killed my husband" "hes going to take my baby" etc so my brother just called 911 and kept pressure on the shot wounds when another couple came down and was asking if they could help and the lady is still rambling about her baby so they get her apartment information and goes and gets her baby who is like 1 year old and her husband is dead in the apartment.
During all of this my SIL knew my brother went to get the mail but he was taking a long time so she went out to get the mail from their normal mailbox and she noticed all the police sirens headed in my brother's direction so she starts freaking out and is calling him and hes not picking up, finally he picks up and is like "im helping a lady that got shot" and hung up. So shes freaking out more, she runs back to her appartment to put their dog and the mail away and then ran back out to find him and she found him giving his statement to the police and etc.
In addition when the police asked who shot her she pointed at the guy who was originally hunched over her that had just been hovering around during this whole thing. He, of course, denied it but the police still arrested him. And that's really scary I'm glad my brother is okay.

That's horrible, I have nothing else to say, I'm so, so sorry, for you, and for that poor woman ❤️
What you did was extremely brave, and I hope you realize that.
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Some good news! just got an update that Trestle's body seems to be responding well to the first of probably many blood transfusions!
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Shes doing worse again. Shes too weak to do testing on so they cant figure out the exact cause. we are preparing to have to let her go today. I'm really devastated she was one of my favorite dogs at work
Shes doing worse again. Shes too weak to do testing on so they cant figure out the exact cause. we are preparing to have to let her go today. I'm really devastated she was one of my favorite dogs at work
I'm so sorry 🫂
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it just really goes to show you gotta cherish what you have when you have it because it might not be there tomorrow. if we end up posting a little memorial thing for her. I havent stopped crying since I woke up.
I'm so sorry. My heart aches for you. Its so ..ugh I wish I could help.
Please know I'm thinking of you

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