Our 1st sun conure


New member
Mar 7, 2017
Hello my name is Chuy......I've been in my new home for 2 days now. I've been a good boy the first 2 days. It's going to take some time to get used to my new mommy and daddy. But so far so good.

Chuy has adapted to his new home well. He's eating orange from our hands, but not wanting to step up yet....any suggestions?....Also, what's a good age to get his wings clipped?

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Hello, sweet Chuy! Just give him some time to become adjusted to his new home and environment and he should come around. :) How old is he? Keep on experimenting with different fruits and veggies, chop them up and offer them to him so they are bite sized for him. Avoid feeding him avocado, garlic, onion, rhubarb, chocolate, alcohol.

As for the wing clipping, I would honestly tell you to let his wings grow in so he can learn to fly and become a comfortable flier. It's a great skill for them to learn, and you can always train him to wear a harness to go outside comfortably and safely. You can do this with target training. As for the stepping up issue, there are lots of tutorials online. Offer him the orange, and pull it away from him with your finger in his way so he has to step up to get to the tasty treat. Hope that helps!
Welcome Chuy!

Is there a specific reason you want to clip him?

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Welcome and be welcomed. What a cutie. We were so close to getting a Sunnie ( my youngest son adores them) but then Salty 'picked' me. Always proceed at the parrots pace, not yours. Soome adapt faster some slower.
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Welcome Chuy!

Is there a specific reason you want to clip him?

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No, just because we don't want him to fly away...

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Thanks for this SilverSage!

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Welcome to the forums, Chuy and parronts! Sun Conures are strikingly beautiful and are wonderful companions.

As others have posted, patience during the honeymoon is important and helps build trust and understanding. Parrots are often highly receptive to positive reinforcement training, and stepping-up is high on the list! Some time-honored threads you may find helpful:



So much goodness in the Parrot Food, Recipes, and Diet forum: Parrot Food, Recipes and Diet - Parrot Forum - Parrot Owner's Community
Welcome fellow Sun Conure owner! What a cutie.
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So the store we bought Chuy from said he was 3 months old...by looking at his picture do you think it's true?......how will his color change?.......we are really enjoying him so far. He makes us laugh.

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He will loose the green in his upper body and become more orange/yellow. I have a 6 month old Sun and he is starting to loose the green feathers on his neck and head.
Hi Chuy, welcome to the forum! You're a bird is beautiful! I would also not recommend not clipping him, we used to clip buddy, but stopped doing that because he needs the exercise. He won't fly away if you create a safe environment, like not leaving doors open or windows without screens open. Stepping up is very important, as stated by another fellow member, I would maybe give him a little piece of raw almond (not roasted) put your finger out and keep the walnut just far enough so he can't get it until he steps up. That should do the trick with a little practice you'll get the hang of it. Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

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So the store we bought Chuy from said he was 3 months old...by looking at his picture do you think it's true?......how will his color change?.......we are really enjoying him so far. He makes us laugh.

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3 months sound like an accurate description for your bird. Chuy still has a lot of green on his wings, as most young sun conures do, and will eventually molt the green which will turn yellow :)

Be sure to start offering him lots of veggies and fruits, as this is a great age to get him acquainted to all kinds of different foods! What are you feeding him at the moment?
Welcome! Just go slow.
Some of the best advice I got:
Don't ever force them to do anything.
Parrots give what they get. If the room is loud, the parrot is loud. If they get aggression they give aggression. If they get respect, they give respect - well as close as a Me-centered bird can anyway.
Enjoy the ride!!!

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