Otto cuteness

May 20, 2023
Virginia, USA
Talking Fancy Lutino Parakeet, 3yrs old- 60 word vocabulary. Named Otto Von Ruthless
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Otto likes to use my foot as his elevator to come talk to me but he likes to test my leg/ knee strength by sitting below my knee so I can't put my foot down. Lol Btw he can fly, very well.
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60 word vocabulary pssh, I bet it's only about 58 words.... stop exagerating your birds intelligence when it's mostly based on how beautiful she is. I swear some of these people.......

(Also I think your he is a she I don't see any blue in the cere.....might be why its so bonded to you)

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60 word vocabulary pssh, I bet it's only about 58 words.... stop exagerating your birds intelligence when it's mostly based on how beautiful she is. I swear some of these people.......

(Also I think your he is a she I don't see any blue in the cere.....might be why its so bonded to you)

Lutino parakeets cere doesn't always turn blue. He's brown right now because hormones, normally his cere is purple. Vet checked he is confirmed boy.
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