Opal's training


New member
Dec 20, 2016
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In my parents house
A cockatiel, a bourke, and three budgies
I've been doing step up training with Opal for a couple days now, and haven't made any progress. Opal isn't the one for sitting still, she also has a 3 second attention span. I've used two different methods of training, I used my hand first (worked with past birds) when that failed used a perch (worked with Jordan) and that isn't getting me anywhere. She won't sit on the table, instead she tries to forage on the floor. I've decided that I will keep trying until January 1st, then I'll stop. After that I'll either, go back to square 1 and do the taming process all over again and move back to step up training, or, I'll just stop her training all together, she'll remain a part of my flock, I'll just let her be herself. I'm not one of those people that got birds for the tricks they do, I won't have her rehomed just for being herself, I won't have my little, uncooperative, fluff ball rehomed because she's uncooperative and doesn't tricks. Just because she acts like a parrot doesn't mean I don't love her.
She one of my perfect parrots.

Sent from my Galaxy s8
I love your philosophy and I’m glad you’re happy to let her be herself :). She’s adorable.

My two have been a bit difficult to train as well and they came to me as adults. Thankfully they are usually well behaved, but they are more bonded to each other than to either my husband or I. They like us and spend time with us/on us, but refuse to be separated which makes training difficult. I’m content that we just focus on things like bite pressure/shoulder privileges so we can enjoy each other’s company. Tango and Baby step up *sometimes* and can sometimes be bribed onto the scale so I can check their weight - but that’s the extent of their “tricks”. I continue to try to teach them things occasionally, but like you, I am not concerned if they don’t seem to respond to it.
hold the treat just out of her reach, then when nature takes course and she climbs onto your finger say "up" or "step-up" I opted for "up-up" and the word should stick with the motion and the thought of a treat

of course you can try using a stick to train opal, she may be more open to that as an idea

other option is a load of seed in your cupped hand, most birds struggle to not be allured by some good seeds presented to them

good to hear opal is loved either way

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