New member
I've been doing step up training with Opal for a couple days now, and haven't made any progress. Opal isn't the one for sitting still, she also has a 3 second attention span. I've used two different methods of training, I used my hand first (worked with past birds) when that failed used a perch (worked with Jordan) and that isn't getting me anywhere. She won't sit on the table, instead she tries to forage on the floor. I've decided that I will keep trying until January 1st, then I'll stop. After that I'll either, go back to square 1 and do the taming process all over again and move back to step up training, or, I'll just stop her training all together, she'll remain a part of my flock, I'll just let her be herself. I'm not one of those people that got birds for the tricks they do, I won't have her rehomed just for being herself, I won't have my little, uncooperative, fluff ball rehomed because she's uncooperative and doesn't tricks. Just because she acts like a parrot doesn't mean I don't love her.
She one of my perfect parrots.
Sent from my Galaxy s8
She one of my perfect parrots.
Sent from my Galaxy s8