Oo! Another bird???


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2013
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Newcastle, NSW, Australia
Dominic: Galah(RIP: 1981-2018); The Lovies: Four Blue Masked Lovebirds; Barney and Madge (The Beaks): Alexandrines; Miss Rosetta Stone: Little Corella
My dear Hubby has just rung from the shopping centre, where he ran into the Mum of our daughter's friend. Apparently, she has a Rosella that she 'doesn't want' and is trying to get rid of it.

I offered.

I mean, what else does a person do? Only, that'll be another cage to clean and another soul to take care of. I hope I've done the right thing! We'll see what comes to pass over the next few days. She's said we should come and pick it up after Easter, so that'll give me time to figure things out.

I hope.
Cripes Trish, never a dull moment at your place!

After all what's one more bird, one more cage... squawking... vet bills... that's what I always try to convince my hubby of anyway...... Happy Easter!
LOL! I know, right? Turns out, it's a pineapple conure that flew into the woman's yard. I'll take some photos and see if I can't find the owner. Thing is, no pineapple conures have been reported missing on any of the local sites since last year. This one's very tame, so there must be a family out there somewhere wanting him home. I'll keep you posted.

Happy Easter to you too! XX
Pineapple conure, rosella, a rose by another name right?!

Someone tried to tell me their nephew has a Logan parrot the other day, showed me a picture and it’s a rainbow lorikeet!

I wish you well with your potential conure journey, they’re a very special breed ... erm ... species!
That will be interesting? Pineapple conure You love that bird if you do decide to take it on. They have a great personality.
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I have a dear friend (she was my matric. English teacher) living in a nearby nursing home. When visiting her, I was surprised to find a Pineapple Conure living in a large cage in the home's lobby. The elderly folk get quite a buzz out of watching her and feeding her titbits. They know, though, that if they stick their fingers into her cage, she'll bite! There's a box of bandaids strategically placed by the cage for just such an emergency. LOL!
What's with these multiple parrot owners? Me & Salty are out all the time, and no one ever offers me a parrot for the asking ! Must be something in the eyes or set of the mouth, that triggers the offers. Trish, would you keep him or try to find him a good home?
I'll do my level best to find his proper owners (I well remember how I felt while my Barney was missing!!!). If I can't find them, I'll probably keep him. I'd really hate it if I gave him to someone who mistreated him or didn't take good care of him.

In fact, I'm on the lookout for a needy corella to befriend Rosetta. All I can find is either chicks or 'aviary birds' (for that, read 'untamed and stir-crazy'). I'm too old to get a chick and would really like to take in a bird with issues or in real need. Y'know?

I've still got the massive aviary (haven't been able to sell it). D'you think Rosetta plus One, the Beaks and a Conure or two could live together in peace and harmony?

Nah. I don't think so either... :22_yikes:
I hope you find the little conure’s people. I remember waiting with you for Barney to return and the celebration when you found him.

If you can’t find the rightful owners I know a lucky little conure will find a wonderful home with your flock. I do hope you have the flicks’ permission before the new kid moves in.

Rosetta’s companion is out there just waiting for the perfect moment to meet her.

Please let us know how the conure’s tale unfolds.

I may borrow the bandaid idea, Harry should definitely offer first aid for her victims.
I have a dear friend (she was my matric. English teacher) living in a nearby nursing home. When visiting her, I was surprised to find a Pineapple Conure living in a large cage in the home's lobby. The elderly folk get quite a buzz out of watching her and feeding her titbits. They know, though, that if they stick their fingers into her cage, she'll bite! There's a box of bandaids strategically placed by the cage for just such an emergency. LOL!

I like that.

Having a Band-Aid holder in front of the cage is a better and more subtle warning than a sign that the bird will bite.
I hope you find the little conure’s people. I remember waiting with you for Barney to return and the celebration when you found him.

If you can’t find the rightful owners I know a lucky little conure will find a wonderful home with your flock. I do hope you have the flicks’ permission before the new kid moves in.

Rosetta’s companion is out there just waiting for the perfect moment to meet her.

Please let us know how the conure’s tale unfolds.

I may borrow the bandaid idea, Harry should definitely offer first aid for her victims.

Not long after Barney and Madge arrived, I stuck my finger in their cage and Madge bit a hole in me! After I'd finished doing the dance of 'OMG shebitmeshebitmeshebitme!', I paused long enough to listen to my dear daughter.

Who said the following wise words to me: 'Mum. She's a bird. If you stick your finger in the cage, how else can she relate to it besides biting it?'

I've never forgotten that, and to this day I never stick my finger in the birds' cages. Well. Qualify that. I stick four fingers into 'Setta's cage and scratch her pretty little head because she likes it. If I did that to Barney and Madge, Madgie'd have all four of my fingers off at the elbow in a trice! :22_yikes:
Nothing has happened yet. The lady who has the conure reckons she's 'still looking for his owner'. I have a feeling the birdie has grown on her and she'd like to keep him. It's cool either way: she's a nice person and will take good care of him. :)

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