one person parrot?


New member
Dec 31, 2012
is it true that AG is one person parrot? I recently got a 2.5 years African Grey and although I take care of her all the time and spend a lot of time talking to her and training her and ... she is bound to my brother that spent less than hour time with her :( and her favorite treat is head scratch from him. I understand that I can't change how she chose as a mate but how good my relationship can be with her? she just ignores me right now, and still get scared when I go near her (It got worse after she bounded with me brother, maybe its because of me reaction, maybe it's because she see me as rival for my brother's attention?)
and advice on how I should react? should I give up trying to gaining her trust? I'm really angry at her, looool :D I know I shouldn't be but I am loool
That's completely understandable:) It kinda hurts when you want them to love you the most but act like your not there. I'm saying this because this was my case with my AG. She LOVED my dad, then my mom, then me! I was like are you kidding me, I'm the one that gets you out the most and you bite me and love everyone else. Well she must have been testing me because now I'm her favorite. Just be the main caretaker and do the things she loves the most. Let others take turns every now and then though so she will be socialable. I was in your same shoes and thought the same but I assure you it gets better but it will take a little while.:)
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thanks a lot, so you suggest, I should ask my brother to give her less attention? cause I can't handle her, and she needs some time out of her cage, when he is home, he bring her out and play with her, and maybe do some training while I'm yelling in background at him to do it right :))
Have him get her out and then you sit and talk for an hour and try to get her to step up and then he can play with her. Or you can do it at the same time. As long as your grey is entertained! They always don't have "one person" either although its slightly more common. They can like more than one person. As long as he/she is having fun I guarantee she will come to love you. Experiment and find what she likes. My grey, for example, follow me everywhere she's right there with me when she can be out. BTW, give a small treat if you get her to step up for you she will associate stepping up with good things.
Another thing I learned is that, when you're talking to her, talk to here like she's a person not in the "baby talk".

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