Okay. I'm blown away.


Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego
Duskies: Gizmo & Niko, hatched 3/12 & 5/12; pineapple GCC: Skittles, 5/10/13; Pan Am: Harley, 1/27/13; CAG: Maalik, 7/27/13; Eclectus: Ziggy, 4/4/04; BHC: Walter 6 y; baby Jardine's: Bogart-May!
I thought I'd begin working with Maalik on some short word sequencing as it related to his playing with a toy. The word sequence I used was, 'take it'; 'shake it'; 'drop it'(when he naturally did so), and 'uh-oh' after it landed on the table. After the fifth go around, Maalik uttered either an 'oh' or an 'uh oh' at exactly the right place in the sequence. Not only did he do it once, but he did it every single time I repeated the sequence thereafter.

He's only 11 weeks old and his little brain can already do this?? I'm so blown away by the capacity of this little baby boy!
Smart little guy. Enjoy! :D
Don't those moments make you such a proud parront? I kinda turn into a peacock..
remember its the naughty words they pick up very quickly ha
Awwwww....there's nothing like the first word from a baby! :)
Awww so cute! Greys amaze me, the first weeks had Kenji home he learned several words. But then he's a well practiced 20 year old bird, amazing that you grey is learning FIRST words so fast :D
Wow, what a smart little guy! Oliver began saying words early as well but they were simple words like, Momma, hello, ah oh. Now he's saying, whatcha doing, I love you, he giggles, and some mumbles I can't quite make out. He's a little over one.
As the work Dr. Pepperburg did with Alex (and others) showed, if you use language with them appropriately and in context, they will use it back with you appropriately and in context...

CAGS can and do have limited "in context conversational" skills, i.e. they will form simple sentences and make their preferences known in "HUMAN." (Of course, if you still don't get it, they use their beaks!)

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