Ok, how adorable can you get?


May 19, 2013
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Cockatiels - Oz & Kaila
Just brought home my very first bird today, he's a 3 months old baby cockatiel that now goes by the name Oz and he's just adorable, I think I'm in love. I put him in the cage and had decided to give him a few days to adapt, but then he started chirping in front of the door so I eventually let him out. He was a bit reluctant to let me approach him for the first half an hour or so, so I gave him some millet and all that, tried to pet him a little.

And eventually:




Then, I thought maybe he could start learning to step up and he actually sometimes does but most of the time, he just throws his head down and rubs it against my hand. Asddgfhhdgffd. Why didn't I get a bird sooner, he's so sweet :o


:grey:And so it begins.........
:grey:And so it begins.........

You mean that in a good or bad way? Yeah, I'm probably gonna be one of these crazy people who take a 1000 pics. I promise not to fill the place with pics of him thought =S I just had to get all the feels out and share them with the world :rolleyes:
This is a case of MBS at its beginning. Best of luck you will need it! :D
Oh I meant it in the best way, the beginning of your new friendship! Please do post lots of pics......omg I hope you didn't take it that way! Everyone loves pics of birds on here, especially cute babies like yours! That's awesome that he took to you so quickly. Looks like you found your companion!
Happy love story - that's what's starting... :-)
Oz is adorable so small and cute
I just want to cuddle and hug him
You are in for the most enjoyable experience of a life time
Many many congrats on Oz! He is BEAUTIFUL! And he seems to have made himself right at home. :D AWESOME!!! I'm so happy for you!!
love the name!, he is beautiful....cockatiels are one of my favourites
Oooo, he is so sweet.
Congrats on you new baby! I love the pictures, the love of a bird is like no other. Enjoy!
Ohhh so cute. They sure do have a way to melt hearts.
Thanks guys, he's just so precious :grey:

He sure loves cleaning himself and napping thought. He's nibbled a little on his toys but he doesn't seem too interested in them.

He made a noise that worried me this morning, but with reasearch, I found out that he was just grinding his beak and here I was all worried that he might be sick. He's still going to the vet for a checkup thought.

Since it doesn't bother you guys, have some more because I just can't take the cuteness :o

Napyy time


I so managed to catch his nibbling before he stopped

Omg he's so cute! My birds grind their beaks too, usually during "quiet" times in the evening. That's a great rope-perch, I have a couple and my conure loves them, it's great for their beaks because they love to pick at them.
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Yeah, he seems to like the rope perch. He climbs right on top of it even when the cage is closed (actually he's up there right now, I put him in to have my dinner) =P I was thinking of getting another one that would go from side to side on top of the cage (outside) so he can play on it when he's out.

Edit: So I got the new rope and installed it, he refused to wait until it was secured to hop on, made himself right at home as I struggled to correctly place the rope.
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Oz is adorable! PLEASE post lots of pictures! He's going to be such a love bug since he is already so affectionate with you! Congrats on your new bird!
Oz is adorable! PLEASE post lots of pictures! He's going to be such a love bug since he is already so affectionate with you! Congrats on your new bird!

Thank you X3 Right now he's pigging out on those new seeds I bought for him. Like seriously O.o I was worried he might not want to upgrade from those cheap walmart greens the lady who sold him to me had him on, but ti wasn't a problem at all. Tried to feed him some pellets and apple too, but no luck so far. :rolleyes:
Oz is such an awesome name!
Oz is such an awesome name!

Thank you :o As weird as it may be, I'd named him before I even had him. I saw his picture on the internet and thought 'hey you look like a Oz' xD
Baby just realized what Mr-tear-me-up is used for :o


On a side note, we tried again today and he was more than happy to nom on pellets as voraciously as his seeds. I'm starting to think glutton would have been a better name for him xD Still no luck with the apples thought. Any fruit/vegie suggestions?

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