Oh my word


New member
Nov 20, 2015
Jenks-RFM 13 yrs, Mox-BTM 9 mos, Widget-RB2 11mos, Artie-WCpi 17 years, Khalessi-BWpi 4 yrs, Winslow-Meyers 6 yrs
Ok, what I've found out about our new pi's: The bronze wing is still coming out of his shell, but very gentle and makes the cutest little quiet noises and mumbles. The blue head can whistle the entire theme song to the Andy Griffith show but O.M.G. he has the loudest call sound! It's headache inducing. He's very sweet and thank goodness he doesn't make it all day long, but 3 min's of that is too much!! Of course it also hurts my husky's ears so she starts wooing, then she stops and he screeches. Then she woos... ACK. Do all blue heads have that loud sharp call?? Or am I just "lucky"? LOL
Interesting... Terry (Terry57) has a Blue Headed also, and she said he is loud. Maybe they are louder than the other Pi's? My 2 Bronze Winged that I have/had are not that loud IMO. Louder than the other birds, but still, for a bird their size they are not loud at all. It would be interesting to compare everyone's BHP!
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The BW is very quiet. My maxi can get loud but it isn't at the same pitch as the blue head and doesn't bother me quite as much. BH isn't "loud" so much as the call is much more grating to the ears.

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