odd behavior


New member
Jul 6, 2012
Trenton, OH
Eclectus (Jazmine)
African grey Congo (charlie)
Ok so I was holding Charlie today and he was walking all over me, climbing on me and sitting on my shoulder. I noticed that I could hold my hand up like to make a wall in front of him and he would walk up and rub his head and beak against it pretty intensely. If I moved my hand he would follow it and keep doing it. He wasn't biting or trying to bite. He would gently beak me a few times but nothing more. I've tried to do some research on what this means but found nothing. Anyone know what this means or experienced this? I just don't want to do it if it's an aggressive behavior and reinforce it. he is still only 7 weeks old so I don't want to teach or allow something I shouldn't. Ideas??
I think birds just like rubbing their heads/beaks against things! Both my conures do it!
cooper does it too. i think its pretty normal. he does it on people, and perchs.
Oh man, that's ALL my caique does.... He rubs his beak on everything. He likes when I scratch his beak lightly with my fingernails too. It probably just feels good to him. :) It's a part of them that is hard to itch with their little feet. Probably like trying to itch your own back against a wall or something. Not quite the same as having someone do it for you!

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