nuts chilled out day


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well i had my step daughter and her little girl staying with me for the pass 2 days, much to nuts :20:, as it means she spends more time in her cage, as i cannot trust her not to bite, asha who is a very talkative 5yr old, and dan is petrified of birds, though she does know not to flap about if nut lands on her, and nut has an out of cage time!

anyway today, they've gone home and its just me an the nut

she spent time watching me clean, being told off for trying to chew/gnaw/remove things of furniture etc

but right now after watching me clean and the washing machine, she is happy on my knee while i am on the pc, having my well deserved break

1st pic is of her looking cute, when she is being sneaky getting at the button on my top

2nd is of her watching machine, but she turned when i got camera out! she was watching it for quite awhile lol

3rd is her on my knee soing the oh so cute semi puff and i'm keeping 1 eye on you!!! lol

well house work calls so she won't be comfy for much longer lol:p


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I just love how she has this look about her, she looks so cute, but there's just something about her that says "don't you dare cuddle me unless I ask for it".

Love the pictures, always love updates on the Nut ^^
I'm sure she's the best little helper. I think she's changed her "person" & you just dont know it!
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I just love how she has this look about her, she looks so cute, but there's just something about her that says "don't you dare cuddle me unless I ask for it".

Love the pictures, always love updates on the Nut ^^

lmao dont i just know it, mayden but she is better at retracting her beak when told now, instead of going in for the kill!

lol merlin, as soon as man comes home she's all over him like a bad rash, just got her into her main cage, she aint over happy, but i can't be cleaning using strong chemicals/sprays around her, also we got a kinex that i want to have a go on! lol
Love the pictures! Thanks for sharing! I love the one on your knee especially because I often have a bird on mine while I am here on the forum! Right now it's Merlin. Petey wants a little nap and she was being very loud. So now she's here cuddling with me so he can nap. Rowdy woke everyone up early today.
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lol i love having chilled out time with the nut, but man can't understand why she won't get that chilled with him?? i tell him its cos its tiring watching me do the house work!! lol

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