nut the wadder!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well as normal, bath time came about an nut was all crazed with excited!:D:30:

normally she would be on bath edge, my shoulder (yes i have scratches lol) or the bath rack, and i will squeeze water over her etc

well today she landed on my head!! an i could not budge her!!:mad: so i thought well she's seen me dunk my head to wet it, so i slowly lent back.
she didn't move! grrr so i continued, so she walked onto my forehead.
i was holding my nose, an eyes shut, and the next thing i knew she was walking on my face, very gently, an onto my shoulder that was also a little under water :30:

i popped my head up an she stayed on my shoulder for a bit, drinking the bath water, so i spashed her some lol:09: she was so calm today, as a rule she would flap of and back etc

i don't think she has an idea of what having a bath is?? but i have noticed, she is so much harder to wet, across her back :11:

but she is still chewing her feathers grrr, not her primary, just the chest an belly ones and under her wings on her back :(
awww bless her! maybe she is part duck LOL
is she molting? x
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no she molted earlier this yr an all new feathers, unless they have a 2nd molt!? but herfeather ends are not rounded, they look snipped or a slight inverted V
Lucky, merlin won't bathe, its about time for mean mommy to grab him & dunk him. I bet nut smells better than merlin too.
If your having problems with her feathers being dirty and her not bathing, take a water bottle and spritz her with warm water at least once a day. It keeps their feathers healthy and clean. And that is so cute. Lily takes baths every now and again between spritzings.

I've been taking Puck in the shower with me. I put on a bird-proof necklace for him to hold on to, and he just holds on!! He doesn't seem to mind getting wet, and just holds on really tight to my necklace and snuggles up to my neck until it's over! It's the cutest thing. Sometimes he screams if I try to remove him from my shoulder (or sometimes when I move my arm wrong) while we're in the shower, but he also likes to sit on the shower head (I put them there when I'm washing him my hair).
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I've been taking Puck in the shower with me. I put on a bird-proof necklace for him to hold on to, and he just holds on!! He doesn't seem to mind getting wet, and just holds on really tight to my necklace and snuggles up to my neck until it's over! It's the cutest thing. Sometimes he screams if I try to remove him from my shoulder (or sometimes when I move my arm wrong) while we're in the shower, but he also likes to sit on the shower head (I put them there when I'm washing him my hair).

awww so brave an love the name puck :)
You're lucky. Kito loves bathing on her own, but she only does it once a week or so. If I try the spritzer she runs for dear life and when I put her in the sink she tries to jump out and flutters her wings while looking at me as if to say "why are you mean? Don't you love me?" She can really pile on the guilt.

PS, Remy, where did you acquire said necklace?
SueBee - Thanks! It took me forever to think it up, but when I thought about it, I knew it was the right one!! :-D

Karigan - I have a ball chain necklace that I got at Hot Topic when I was in high school... It works great, but I need to find a surgical steel one because I'm slightly allergic to it. I also have a "necklace" that's just a rope that I tied in a loop that I can put around my neck for him to hold on to, but it isn't particularly pretty, lol.

I'm also meaning to find some parrot-friendly beads and chain or rope to make a parrot necklace that I can wear around also.
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yes jewellary is the way forward for play things lol, nut is near pathetic and aggressively grabby with her beak when i am putting on make up lol

and aww karigan let kito see you bathing etc, one thing with our sennies no matter how strong willed, they just don't like to think they are missing out lol nut never use to come into bath etc as for the shower that scared her
(i get the guilt look when i put her into her cage for the day)
Even if it's not fun jewellery (the rope isn't particularly interesting) it's still something for him to hold onto in the shower.

I think seeing you bathe might help too. Puck doesn't want to miss out on it! If I go without him he gets all agitated (mainly because I'm in another room, I think). If he doesn't want to go with me, I'll leave the room, and then come back in a couple minutes and he's perfectly willing to go.

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