nut caused mishaps and cooking!!!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well, today is my one day off, this week.
so last night i decided to soak my beans for a pork, chorizo an bean chilli :32:

while i am boiling my beans and frying of the pork, i think i need the doors open as i do not have an extractor :mad:
so i bundle nut into the room an shut the door, i could hear her little squeaks and mumbles

cooking went as planned

went to throw coffee grounds onto back lawn an wind blew some onto my washing, i had hung out to dry!!:11: so i have another load to do now

pulled rubbish bag out of the kitchen bin, and it split (all over the floor!!) it wasn't even that full, only took it as its bin day, today :52:

so when i finally tidied up the mess, tasted stew :32:

i went into the room to free the nut, she was no where to be seen!! only when i started looking at the places she never lands on, did i see her, next to the Xbox kinex, trying to push it off the edge, this i feel was a revenge attack, as previously nut had gone up to investigate the new item, and it moved as she tripped its sensor!! scaring her an making me laugh.

anyway lucky i stopped her from killing the kinex, as we have only had it a month!

i wonder if the mumbling was little curses thrown at me from the nut for locking her in room alone???
but she is now currently sleeping on my lap, while i have a little pc time :D

still i have the rest of the day to go yet.......
LOL, sounds like a day around here. Its amazing what they remember, you better watch the kinex closely. She get it eventually. :eek:
Hows the rest of the day been Suebee?

Also I've noticed that you really seem to love cooking an awful lot, I'm jealous, wish I had the time/ability/tastebuds for cooking up some fantastic meals. How typical about the washing haha!

I think the mumbling from her was exactly that, I get the same from Merlin ;)
What a troublemaker! I bet she caused the rubbish bag to split too. Probably bit a hole in it when you weren't looking or something. XD

Puck and Nut would be good friends, I think.
OMG... hope the rest of your day off was more relaxed.... lol
Sounds like one of my days, lol!

I'm glad you finally got to relax and that Nut didn't wreck anything. And yes, she was mumbling curses at you. Rowdy does that, too, although sometimes she does actually use curse words.
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lol rest of yesterday went by uneventfully, nut had her cage time i got my cleaning/dvd time :)
after dvd i let her out an she flew onto the telly stand an started blowing kisses at the telly, chatting to it, so love you, i love you were all mumbled at the telly an bye bye. let alone all the posturing

its the 1st time i've seen her act this way to anything! i will try to load a video

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