

New member
Sep 1, 2007
Congo African Gray, Ringneck.
Hi all,

Just bought a CAG yesterday. It is so sweet, climbed up on my hand in the shop and was young too. The shopkeeper told me about 8 months. She is dark and dirty now, but he also said that the color would get brighter if her diet contained more peanuts (?).

At home she is quiet till now and I guess scared of the new home. so I am leavintg her alone for now. She lets me close to put the food and water, but does not climb on my arm here.:rolleyes:

Welcome to the forums.

I would try getting your new Grey used to getting a "shower", the best is to use a misting bottle and spray it up so it kinda falls on them and its not sprayed in their face.

As for brighter colors a pellet diet is best for your fid with ocassional treats like peanuts. Peanuts are very high in fat and won't do much for the color. Palm nuts are great if you find them.

She is still getting used to the change, but don't be afriad to spend time with her and talk to her, that will help build trust and soon she should be back to herself.
Best thing you can do for color of plumage ... green leafy veggies, at least that's what my avian vet says ...

Congrats on your new fid ... I know someone who has two greys and she always had great stories about them ...


We are a great bunch when you get to know us ... :D - stay around and hang out with us for a while ...

Peanuts are a bad thing for parrots. They can have mold on them which will cause them to become very sick. Offer fresh veggies and fruit along with pellets and nuts. I like almonds because they are high in calcium and low in fat. You can sprinkle a few seeds in the mix. Bean mixes for parrots are good also.
Welcome and congratulations on the new addition! I would try and get her to eat the greens and pellets now, while she's young.. much easier. When I give my birds seeds, I try to avoid the ones that already contain peanuts. I give them the bagged people peanuts from the store. I used to get raw but they seem to prefer the salt free cooked ones. In the shell, of course.
The shower idea is a good one, as long as she doesn't freak out from it. when she gets used to you and you have a good bond she may like coming in the shower with you, instead. Thats what my birds do. Of course they also bathe every time the vacuum cleaner gets turned on.. :D (Have we figured that one out yet???)
She'll get used to you and her new home, like everyone said, it will just take time. Visit with her, talk softly and share good, yummy treats :) does she have a name yet?
Good Luck!
Welcome to the Forum Falconeer. Hmmm....I wish someone on this forum had pics to post of each bird species when we got a new member....

Think of peanuts to birds like you think of candy for kids. It's good as a treat (especially almonds..yum!). Some of our other members have also dubbed sunflower seeds and other nuts as 'birdie crack' I'm sure you get the picture.

Pellets are a great supplement to a diet. Harrison's is great, but can be quite pricey. If you can't afford Harrison's (which depending on where you're located, you might have to order online), Zupreem is a good choice. A lot of members feed their birds a mix of Zupreem, and personally I think my guys like the variety of colors as compared to the plain brown of some other pellets.

Definitely offer a wide variety of fruits, veggies, proteins & grains to your Grey. Even if she rebuffs them the first few times, try presenting the food in different ways. Example: My Amazons won't eat greens cut up in their food bowl, but devour it when I intertwine a whole leaf through their cage bars, or dangle it from the top of their cage like a toy.

Let her settle in and get used to the general routine in your household. When introducing anything new like a shower, new toy, or new food, make it fun. Even eat the food, spray yourself first, or play with the toy to show her how much fun it is.

When you're able to hold her and carry her around with you, give her a tour of your house. I just think it's a nice gesture :)

Congratulations on your new addition to the family and make sure to post lots of pics!!
Welcome Falconeer!

And welcome to your new addition - did I miss her name???

Adjustments to new homes can come easy for some fids and take longer with others. Since she's ok with letting you change food and water, she's probably not afraid of you. Absolutely offer her leafy greens and carrots, as well as pellets and all that good stuff. But, keep giving her while she adjusts the food/diet she came home with - don't change it overnight.

Peanuts, like many other nuts and sunflower seeds are necessary but also can easily become 'junk' food to a fid. One or two each day (total - fid type dependent) is good but you need to be really careful, like Flyte said, about mold and stuff because trying to do this in variety also leads to longevity (food sitting around).

When you're giving her leafy greens and carrots (and check the Do/Don'ts) and other veggies, since she likes you, why not fix a bowl yourself? Fids are flock and they look to flock 'elders' (you) for help.

But peanuts are not the best as a 'feed-all' staple. Have you taken her to a vet for a check-up? A vet can be you're best friend with the pellets and the food and the stuff.

She sounds darling... and, completely selfish - but the first fid, like pet fid not aviary fid, was this darling budgie. Dad loved her and told my Mom, she's a keeper. He named her for his favorite comic strip - yup... Peanuts! Two years old herself the day I was born (and lived for 8 more), and Dad still loves her for the times she sat on the lip of his OJ glass and drank from it while reading the paper... and "hates" her for the time he finished his glass and found, um, remains in the bottom...

Sorry I digress, but she likes you.
She sounds darling... and, completely selfish - but the first fid, like pet fid not aviary fid, was this darling budgie. Dad loved her and told my Mom, she's a keeper. He named her for his favorite comic strip - yup... Peanuts! Two years old herself the day I was born (and lived for 8 more), and Dad still loves her for the times she sat on the lip of his OJ glass and drank from it while reading the paper... and "hates" her for the time he finished his glass and found, um, remains in the bottom...

That is the funniest story...
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