Not sure if I can trust my vets office!!!


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Our Rescues:

Beako - age 22- Yellow Crowned Amazon

Kiwi - age 9 - Yellow Naped Amazon

Paco - age 28 - Yellow Naped/Yellow Crowned
Hi guys - so my Amazon Beako has Aspergilosis. About 3 weeks ago we got our first treatment for her - voriconazole 50ml @53.00 yikes. Expensive but I didn't complain. Got her second bottle of it today and when I got the bill she told me the total was $81! I said "huh, I could have sworn it was cheaper last time"... And she said that they may have given her more in the bottle, so I thought ok. Well, I checked my receipts and the bottles and they are the same dosage and everything. So I left them a voicemail that something wasn't right and I'd like it to be sorted out. I got a phone call from their office saying that the price of voriconazole has went up and they needed to increase the price. Does this sound fishy to you??? I'm feeling angry about it. And if you know where I can find out if the price has gone up, and how much you pay, I'd love that info!!

Thanks :-/
That's what vets do, they charge you one price first and then every time you go in again it goes up. At least that's what my dogs vet does.
I have worked at a vet offices for the last 7 years as a tech. Prices change constantly on medications and recently almost everything we use has gone up in price. The prices have to be adjusted in order to cover the cost or the clinic will loose too much and possibly have to close. Those bills aren't very expensive when it comes to birds. They are an exotic and have to been seen by spe-cia-lists. I've had Rome for 1yr. her first visit was $400 for blood work (has to be sent to Miami and some to California), her re-check was $300 for recheck blood work. Her nose infection that she had last month was $380 (cultures are expensive) and her visit today was (relatively cheap) $195. This mind you is all with my professional courtesy discount, otherwise it would have been more expensive, and rightfully so they have a business to run and overhead costs to cover in order to provide your bird with the best care.
Sometimes there are legitimate price increases, but that sounds messed up. That is an insane percentage. When my vet had an increase it was across the board like 2 or 3% and we got a notice because of cost increases and they apologized for inconvenience. They are still by far cheapest in the area, so it didn't matter to me. I think you've been had! :eek:
If you run around looking for cheap vet services, TRUST ME - you will get what you pay for.
The economy sucks right now, not as many people are taking their animals in (less revenue for the clinic), the cost of living is going up (they have to pay the staff more in order for their staff to eat), and the price of most medications have doubled, some tripled in price. Its simple if you dont cover you costs you loose your business.
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Hi there! She is supposedly the best avian vet in this city. I adopted two birds about a month ago and she found a bacterial sinus infection in both of them, and asper. in Beako. We've paid well over 1K total for 2 vet visits and one nebulization visit. In no way am I cheap, but I feel like this is more than 50% increase in the price of the medicine from the price I paid 3 weeks ago? Doesn't seem fair....
If she's the best, just stay. This medication may be more but you will win out with a living bird ;)
By no means was i calling you cheap, please dont take offense. Coming from the other side of the counter i can understand the price increase, its how they stay in business.
Hey Beako, I don't know where in California you live but I travel to Baja, Mexico often, well, not me so much any more, (because of Amigo). For simple things like update dog shots, heartworm meds, spay and neuters...super cheap, and we feel confident in our vet.

What I'm getting at is...meds are sooo much cheaper down there, as in less expensive. I get my blood pressure meds there.
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Hi guys - so my Amazon Beako has Aspergilosis. About 3 weeks ago we got our first treatment for her - voriconazole 50ml @53.00 yikes. Expensive but I didn't complain. Got her second bottle of it today and when I got the bill she told me the total was $81! I said "huh, I could have sworn it was cheaper last time"... And she said that they may have given her more in the bottle, so I thought ok. Well, I checked my receipts and the bottles and they are the same dosage and everything. So I left them a voicemail that something wasn't right and I'd like it to be sorted out. I got a phone call from their office saying that the price of voriconazole has went up and they needed to increase the price. Does this sound fishy to you??? I'm feeling angry about it. And if you know where I can find out if the price has gone up, and how much you pay, I'd love that info!!

Thanks :-/

The price going up $32, around 60%, then they need to have a good explanatio. I would also get angry if now good explanation
Maybe find out if you can get a script and see if you can get the meds online through Fosters and Smith or 1800petmeds , etc....
I would shop around if you have enough meds to last you till you find a better price.
It helps to shop around for the meds if you are going to use them long term or whatever.
You will still use your same vet , since you trust her care , but you can certainly ask for the script and shop around . Every penny counts IMO.

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