Not intersted in toys


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Wheatley - 4 year old Green Cheek Conure
My little GCC isn't what I expected from a conure. I bought this whole pile of toys excepting him to be destructive, and it turns out, he only nibbles minimally on toys.

I'd love for him to be really interested in toys, so that he has a lot of activity when I'm at work during the day. He's interested in whatever I'm currently interacting with, and sometimes like foraging toys. I have a bunch of craft supplies that I use for making toys for him, and sometimes I'll sit there with him making the toys and that gets him interested, but he only plays with them for a bit.

Any suggestions? Thanks!
Bob is disinterested in toys too. I have recently found he likes chewing on tightly rolled paper. I do not know how to keep the paper safely rolled yet.
My ringneck and grey aren't really toy parrots, my grey is just a baby, and my ringneck is over 30. My amazon is the destroyer of all things wood, and doesn't really care for other toys. You can keep trying new things and see if there is anything that catches his fancy. Like stated above, T.P. or paper towels are great toys! Parrots love shredding them. You will have quite the mess, but at least they have fun with it. Right? lol
Birds won't naturally want to play with the toys; you have to "train" them to like them. They are curious by nature, so when I had my Grey and bought new toys I had to sit on the floor and play with them myself, eventually he became intrigued strolled on over to see what I was doing and realized there was fun to be had. I literally had to do that with every toy I bought him. Try it, but yeah he seemed to like the paper towel rolls A LOT!
Some toys don't need to be noisy and colorful. A common cotton swab will make them go crazy with fun! If you would like a 3.99 USD nest box, put your conure inside through the door ontop and close it he will get either comfy or get out but will later try it again on his own. The point is to keep him entertained while your at work. The nest box will be toarn up but its what they like to do. My conure did that with budgies net box, and not to mention 3-4 cubboard doors =-/
How long have the toys been in there? To give you an idea, I've had loco about 7 months now. I bought a bunch of toys and a play gym when he was a baby. He really didn't care of any of the toys to begin with. He now sits on the play gym all the time now and uses the swing on it too. It took him AGES to get interested. He never really played with his toys in the cage too.

I cleaned his cage last night which I usually do ever 2 week. I usually rotate his toys too so he doesn't get board. Anyhow I've been super busy so it's been closer to a month. He usually wants out of his cage all the time but when I was putting it back together he couldn't wait to get in! He was climbing on all the toys, trying to hold on to all of them at the same time with each of his claws and even his beak, it was hilarious. I could here him playing well after I went to bed.

Anyhow, what I'm trying to say minus the ramble is that it's taken about 6 months for him to really get interested and each time I add a new toy, he isn't really interest for a couple of months.

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