Normal behavior??!


New member
Feb 10, 2024
Hi, today I became the proud parent of a 4 month old cockateil. He or she is very friendly, eating, pooping, etc but when put in cage sits still in one place and stays there. And when out is sleeping a lot. Haven’t noticed drinking. Is this normal? Stress? Also the wings are unfortunately clipped. Thanks!
If your baby is brand new, like you've just brought it home for a few days, they tend to be very wary and will sit /not eat very much for a day or two. If poops change (especially if they get tiny!)or you see other signs of illness, a vet trip is a good plan of action :)
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If your baby is brand new, like you've just brought it home for a few days, they tend to be very wary and will sit /not eat very much for a day or two. If poops change (especially if they get tiny!)or you see other signs of illness, a vet trip is a good plan of action :)
Ok, thank you!!

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