Noah needs help!


New member
Dec 28, 2013
Hi, about a month ago my husband brought home a beautiful Sun Conure named Noah. He is a fairly friendly bird but we have no idea how to take care of this bird. My husband had visited the home where Noah came from and he was friendly there. When he got him home of course Noah was upset due to the strange environment. He bonded with my son first and so we decided to keep him in my sons room as that is where he was comfortable. We have two dogs and the home he came from had no other animals. After a day or two Noah decided he likes me better and wants to spend every waking moment with me. He insists on sitting on my shoulder as that is what he did in his other home. He has bit me a number of times when stressed so of course I can not have him on my shoulder. His wings have never been clipped so he flys and if the bird is free he will fly to my shoulder. My husband does not want to keep him caged or stuck in a room but I feel I am being terroized by this bird. The prior owners just left this bird out of his cage 24/7 so we have trouble getting the bird into his cage. We have no control over this bird what so ever. It has been recommended that we clip his wings but I am not sure what that will do to the bird. I feel for Noah but I am very unhappy in my own home and am ready to give this bird up to a happier place. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
It has been recommended that we clip his wings but I am not sure what that will do to the bird.

It will do nothing to the bird but prevent him from flying which will make him more dependant on the people in the home.
It's not a permanent thing. Birds molt and new feathers grow. If clipping the wings doesn't accomplish what you want it to accomplish, just let them grow in again.

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