No molt?


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Chicago, IL
gcc Parry; lovebird Coco; 3 budgies (Tesla, Franky and Cesar); cockatiel Murzik, red rump parakeet girl Onyx
Hi again everyone,
I'm a little confused about my gcc not molting… I got him 4 mo ago and he was a Petsmart baby, just 2 days on the floor - probably about 3 mo old, right? So he must be 7 mo now, but he didn't start molting. He lost two tail feathers in April, and one flight feather that got caught into something about a month ago, but that's it. His flight feather grew back nicely. I'm not sure about the tail feathers - they look all in place. He is preening himself a lot though, but I didn't notice any pin feathers.
I was just wondering what is the time frame for the first molt? And I also wonder if he could have been younger than 3 mo when I got him? He was very clumsy and poorly weaned.
Petsmart should have given you a birth certificate with the day he was born, which breeder he was from, etc. When I bought my snake from there they had all that information, same with when I got my GCC from Petland.

Chances are he's already gone through a molt, or he's just about to start. I got Avery in June of last year, and I got her when she had absolutely no pin feathers. After about a week of being home, they popped up out of nowhere over night, I swear! :eek: Avery was also incredibly clumsy, but I can't say she was poorly weaned, just poorly fed.

You'll notice your bird is starting to molt when there's lots of feathers on the ground and he looks a bit... disorganized, haha. There's a possibility that he was younger, but generally pet stores don't take in unweaned babies anymore as they don't teach hand feeding (thank goodness).
First molt can happen as early as 3-4 months old or as late as 12-14 months in age.

If it hasn't happened yet, then don't worry about it. :)
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Oh thank you so much for your replies! I didn't know the timeframe was so wide. He has at least ONE new feather so far. LOL
I am the same cept my ysgc I got mine at petsmart they said he was 6 months and they said they only had him for 2 weeks so now I have him and if they told the truth he is now 8 months old but hasnt molted yet either
katina and skitz

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