No Head tucking?


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Southampton, UK
Pineapple Conure (Lilly), Crimson Belly conure (Poppy)
You're always so helpful thank you, I'm back with another question!! So You'll probably know it's about Lilly, my Pineapple Conure!

I've had her since September last year... and not once has she slept with her head tucked like all the guides online tell me they should. She sleeps upright.

She's been to the Avian vet since living with me, and he says she's fine? So do some conures sleep like this? Why is Lilly so weird... haha. I always have a sneaky look when she's sleeping... but never see any tucking.

I've looked after 2 other birds in my lifetime and they both tucked.
Some birds do, some birds don't, and green cheeks (pineapple is the color not the species) are famous for sleeping weirdly.

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My Black capped conure also does not sleep with his head tucked. Guess it's just bird preference. My cockatiel does though.
Now, his mom is different. She likes being tucked in. At least I think so; she is always calling me a Mother Tucker.
Sometimes mine with sleep at the bottom of her cage, sometimes the top, sometimes on the side of it. She will not be restricted!
they all find funny ways to sleep. Whatever is comfortable to them, much like us. On their back on the floor, wing tucked, upright, on the cage bars, upside down from the roof, on their bellies is one I've seen with those snuggie huts

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