"NIPPY" Crimson Bellie--Please help


New member
Jul 28, 2013
Hi everyone--
I have a 1 1/2 yr old Crimson Bellie (Rembrandt-- "Remi") that has become quite "NIPPY" within the pass few months. As soon as he steps up he start to bite--not hard--but there is some pressure. I've been trying the "Twist" method (slightly turning my hand to get him a little off balance) he'll stop long enough to regain his balance and then go right back to "nipping" again. I love handling my birds so this is quite annoying to me. He also insists to sit on my head which I absolutely will not allow. I'm open to any help you guys can give me. I also have a Princess of Whales (Picasso) that I've never had this problem with. Thanks for you time !!!!
When pumpkin nips me i blow air in his face and say "be nice" firmly. It works most of the time. The times it does not work, i do what birdman suggested and towel him and turn him on his back until he stops biting then i release him and praise him for being a good bird but he has to stop biting and behave before i let him up.

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