Nice Night For A Walk

AWESOME photos, Blanca!! And LOVED the narrative. "Little" Coqui??? HAHAHAH. She looks ginormous. That first photo of her is BREATHTAKING!!! :D

Thanks so much for sharing. :)
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  • #3
Thanks Wendy. That first photo is one of my favorites now. Well, she's kinda small in this big world...right? :p Hee Hee
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  • #5
Nothing that I know of! ;)
Awesome pictures, and you all look so happy:) Gorgeous place to take a walk!
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  • #8
Looks like a lovely time out as a family:) You live in a beautiful area too BTW!
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  • #10
Thanks Kiwibird! We live in the country on 13 acres. It takes us over 30 minutes to walk "around the block" LOL! But we love it, except when the mosquitos are out! We live near a swamp and the bugs can get pretty bad around here! :eek:
Wonderful photos, Blanca! Lovely place to live and take a long walk. Looks like everyone enjoyed the field trip. Thanks for sharing photos of all your darlings.
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  • #12
Thanks Allee! :)
They are wonderful pictures! I love the one with Coqui posing for the portrait. The children are so cute too. Thanks for sharing :)
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  • #14
Thanks MrsKay. :) I want to make a siggy with that pic, I love it so much. ;)

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