I brought Gizmo home a few days ago. He belonged to my best friend who tragically lost her battle with cancer late Friday night/Saturday morning. Gizmo has been in my apartment for almost a week now. He has taken to obsessively picking at my fingers and the skin around my fingernails. I used to be able to hold him and pet him pretty well, now he obsessively pecks at me until I set him down. This morning i saw that he has dried white droppings dried on his tail feathers. He has always taken great care of his feathers. One of the tail feathers on the bottom of his tail near his vent is broken also. I can still hold him and pet him, but it doesn't take long for him to start aggressively pecking my fingers. He doesn't bite hard enough to draw blood, but it's hard enough to hurt a bit but usually doesn't leave a mark. As I'm typing this, gizmo just sat in his hanging (drinking) water dish and dunked himself in the water and now he's chirping at me. He eats a pellet/seed mix and I'm trying to introduce spinach to his diet. He likes to shred it, but doesn't really seem to eat it. I am monitoring his feathers and making sure he is appearing healthy. Should I be worried about the dried white droppings in his feathers? This is the first time it's happened that I am aware of. There does not appear to be any discoloration of the feathers near his vent, just some white droppings. The droppings in his cage currently appear normal, but I have not seen him produce a dropping yet this morning. He is also rubbing his beak on his perch and cage much more frequently. Could his odd behaviour be due to the new surroundings? He has his cage and all the bowls, toys, etc. from my friends house. I just want to make sure he is okay. He is currently eating a pellet/seed mix. He has a few different hanging toys in his cage and 2 separate water dishes. What do I need to add to his diet to keep him happy and healthy? Should I continue to monitor his behaviour or does this sound like a problem I need to take him to a vet for? I'm a little worried about him!