Newbie needing help!!


New member
Mar 27, 2013
Hi guys, i've just brought home an 8 weeks old baby :whiteblue: . there's a few questions i do have if anyone can help me it would be amazing!

1. when i first brought her home she was really quiet but the next day she was chirping and making lots of noises , is it because she's stressed or she's just happy and energetic?

2. out of nowhere she starting shaking/shivering after being by herself under the couch, is this something i should worry about?

3. since i've bought her, the hair near her beak has been dirty all clumped up with stuff, the owner reckon it was food and when i tried taking it off it's ver hard to. is that a health warning or she was just eating food that got stuck there?

4. at night after the couch incident (around 7pm) she just sat there in her cage did not make a sound again til this morning .

is there somethign wrong with my parrot that i should be worried about
Congratulations on your new baby QP! :)

It's normal for a parrot to be quiet when first arriving in a new home, and it's usually a good sign when he/she does start vocalizing, especially if they're pleasant-sounding chirps and squeaks.

The shaking you describe could be "quaking," a common behavior for a baby QP, and one of the reasons they're called Quakers. Baby QPs do that when they're begging for food.

It's always a good idea to take a newly acquired parrot to a veterinarian for a well-bird checkup within a few days of bringing the bird home. You may want to look for a qualified avian vet and make an appointment for your new companion.

All the best to you and your QP!
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thanks heaps cnyguy!!! also do you know anythign about the feet of the quackers, i read it somewherre that if its feet are skinny thats not a good thing apparently. also she hardly drinks water is that normal
the shakig can definatly be quaking. really common in baby quakers as cnyguy said before. also if she was under the couch she could of just been a bit scared. i dont know the whole situation but its a possibility. i also agree with cnyguy about being quiet when they first arrive. she was probably a bit freaked out about a brand new house and some chirping is a good thing. the stuff at the top of her beak COULD be old food. try driiping water on it to soften in and with a towel wipe it gently. if it doesnt come off or if more shows up see a vet because then it is probably from her nostrils and that isnt good. being quiet at night is normal. its called sleeping :) haha. as for her feet, i have never really heard of that. i suppose it could mean that she doesnt have enough food. but in general parrots feet are sort of skinny. i mean, if its like unhealthy looking, then see a vet. congrat on your baby quaker! they are great pets! give us a picture!
and welcome to the forum:)

Congrats on your new Baby.
Here is a photo of Ralph's feet-- this is how a QP's feet typically look.


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HI all!! thank you for all yoru replies and warm welcome!!! to update I've taken her to the vet adn she's A OK, i was jsut a bit worried.

She's now 9 weeks old i think , been with us for 4 days and she started laughing already and attempting to speak, such a smart grl! she's only doing that in her cage at the moment, do you think she will able to start doing that outside of her cage? is there anything that i need to do
Sounds like you're doing everything right with you're new qp. They are awesome birds and imo one if the very smartest. I suggest teaching him the meanings of the words you want him to learn instead of simply getting him to mimick speech. Then he will realize that words have meaning.
Grat's on your new Quaker!!! She is only 9 weeks, give her some more time and she will come around. It sounds like you are doing just fine. Like any parrot, they will do things on their own schedule when they are good and ready. Keep us updated, and welcome to the forums!

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