Newbie from NJ


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Hey everyone. What a great forum. My name is Steve and my fiance and I have a beautiful Mealy Amazon named Bubba. We've always been bird lovers and take great joy in raising this little guy. Hope everyone is doing well and thank you for letting us be apart of your little slice of cyber space.
Welcome we are happ
y to have you joining us
Love the name Bubba !!!!!
Have any pic's to share with us
Enjoy our wonderful forum
Hey there Steve, fiancé & Bubba and WELCOME to the forum. :)

Mealies are AWESOME Amazons!!! Please, if you can, share some pics with us picture loving folks. :)

Great to have you on the forum, fellow Jersyan. ;)
Welcome to the forum. I have only seen one mealy amazon, they also owned an orange wing and I was amazed at the size difference. The Mealy was 30 years young and twice the size of the other one. who was several years old:)

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