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Aug 28, 2012
Toronto, Ontario
African Grey
Galah Cockatoo

Im Cassy and I just recently decided I wanted a parrot but had a horrible experience.

I had purchase a Senegal and an African Grey from Pj Pets but they were still being weaned so I couldn't take them home. Spent over 5000 dollars on everything for them. Finally got to bring the Senegal home just to bring him back a week later to tell them something is wrong. But before I brought him back 3 days after taking him home I got a phone call that my African Grey was found dead in the store. I cried and cried because I was there everyday with my 5 year old son bonding with her. Anyhow they tried to find out what she died from and the results were inconclusive.

So back to the Senegal, he was having diarrhea and he was losing his tail feathers. At first they tried to tell me he might be molting but he was only two months. Anyhow they agreed to bring him to their vet to have him checked out. We had named him Chico. They then tried to give me another African Grey... I just was not bonding with it but felt something was wrong with it too as it kept doing this involuntary head twitch over and over again. So they brought both birds to the vet. The results were both birds had severe kidney problems that couldn't be fixed so therefore I got back a full refund. I was so upset I brought back everything I bought from them unfortunately I had bought stuff from other stores that I couldn't bring back so I was out about 1000 dollars.

I was ready to give up, I thought I was bad luck and should not be a bird/parrot parent. So it's been a month and I've taken books out from the library, visit all these bird websites, read bird magazines and although I was going to give up on being a parrot parent, it is something I really want so I went back at it again but this time I decided to go through a breeder.

So soon I will be a parent to a rose breasted cockatoo and an african grey! So nervous!
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Sorry for your sadness.

What makes you think a Galah and a CAG would be a good combination? :)

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Awwww... Honestly I wasn't sure they would be a good combination but I also figured since they are both babies that I may have better luck however your picture makes me hopeful. Did you have yours from when they were babies? What kind of cages do you have for them? That is my next biggest headache right now... I just posted about it!

Thank you so much for sharing! I love this picture I will have to show my son :)
Hey Cassy, sorry to hear about your babies. Sounds like that store has some serious issues. Hope everything works out for you this time. Welcome to the forum and hope to see you around.
Hello Cassey and welcome to the forum:)

Sorry to hear about your Babies! Hopefully, everything will work out for you this time round :)
Cassey, have you any prior experience to caring for parrots? I'm wondering why you are starting with two birds at once? Not to mention that neither of the species you chose are considered "begginer birds." Just a word of caution...
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No I don't have prior experience except for a budgie whose name is Blue but I figured if Im doing this I might as well go all the way as this is not a car where you can start off with a garbage one and gradually work your way up to a better one. This is forever well as long as possible hopefully longer than my life... I know Im going to have my hands full and Ive already lined up a sitter for when I need to go away and she's been with me all the way so she has a chance to bond with them too. I've looked up training options if I ever need it, Ive started a binder with all the recipes I can do and what to stay away from. I bought a whiteboard to write down a weekly schedule...

I choose two at once because I figured they would have a better chance at getting along if they both are babies... It could still backfire but Im hoping for the best!
We bought Greybeard when he was over a year old, and Chewbaca nearly a year later, at age five months.

They are never caged, except at night in motels, so if one gets mean, the other can get away. I believe a cage could result in damaging aggression. They sleep wing to wing in a cage we cover at night, but the door is always open.

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