New member
Hello all,
This is Rio my Senegal parrot, she just turned 7 on the 9th. I have had her since she was just a weanling and purchased her when I was 17 years old. "Her" is a loose term, when I got Rio the breeder said based on experience she thought Rio was likely a female however I think Rio might actually be male. But seeing as Rio as been called a "she" the entire time I am sticking with it until I know otherwise.
I keep Rio's wings clipped over the summer months and let them grow out over winter so in the pics to follow you will notice she has full flights. This will change in a month or so as the weather here in Canada worms up.
Rio has a small vocabulary consisting of the following words/phrases: hello, hiiiiiii, pretty bird, hello pretty bird, nooooo, ouch, what are you doing?, Heather, Jodie, Rio.
Rio also mimics a lot of sounds and can make all the sounds my sister tiel makes, wolf whistles, whistles really loud for the dogs when they start barking, the creek of the door, the buzzer on the dryer, moews, whispers, the dial on the phone, ahhhhhhh, and laughs (usually at the right moments too!).
I was watching TV with her one time and there was a guy about to get stabbed in slow mo with a sword to the chest. Rio said "No, no, nooooooo!" and just as the sward hit his chest screamed "AHHHHH!" Another time I was getting her wings clipped and when she popped out of the towel she shook her feathers and said "What are you doing?!" My dad turned to my sister and said "Jess I know you wont forget to let the dogs out right?" before my sister could answer Rio starts laughing up a storm, my sister NEVER remembers.
For the first couple of years I had Rio I took her everywhere and did everything to make her day. After a while however I slowly started to slack off a bit. Not to the point where she was neglected by any means but it was just not the same. Lately I have kicked my but into gear and have reduced my menagerie by A LOT! This has made me really realize how much has changed from then to now.
I joined this site to help me re-kindle the strong bond we had before and to make her life more exciting again.
This is Rio my Senegal parrot, she just turned 7 on the 9th. I have had her since she was just a weanling and purchased her when I was 17 years old. "Her" is a loose term, when I got Rio the breeder said based on experience she thought Rio was likely a female however I think Rio might actually be male. But seeing as Rio as been called a "she" the entire time I am sticking with it until I know otherwise.
I keep Rio's wings clipped over the summer months and let them grow out over winter so in the pics to follow you will notice she has full flights. This will change in a month or so as the weather here in Canada worms up.
Rio has a small vocabulary consisting of the following words/phrases: hello, hiiiiiii, pretty bird, hello pretty bird, nooooo, ouch, what are you doing?, Heather, Jodie, Rio.
Rio also mimics a lot of sounds and can make all the sounds my sister tiel makes, wolf whistles, whistles really loud for the dogs when they start barking, the creek of the door, the buzzer on the dryer, moews, whispers, the dial on the phone, ahhhhhhh, and laughs (usually at the right moments too!).
I was watching TV with her one time and there was a guy about to get stabbed in slow mo with a sword to the chest. Rio said "No, no, nooooooo!" and just as the sward hit his chest screamed "AHHHHH!" Another time I was getting her wings clipped and when she popped out of the towel she shook her feathers and said "What are you doing?!" My dad turned to my sister and said "Jess I know you wont forget to let the dogs out right?" before my sister could answer Rio starts laughing up a storm, my sister NEVER remembers.
For the first couple of years I had Rio I took her everywhere and did everything to make her day. After a while however I slowly started to slack off a bit. Not to the point where she was neglected by any means but it was just not the same. Lately I have kicked my but into gear and have reduced my menagerie by A LOT! This has made me really realize how much has changed from then to now.
I joined this site to help me re-kindle the strong bond we had before and to make her life more exciting again.