New to the forum and new to Budgies! I need a little advice


New member
May 27, 2020
Young parakeet
Hi, I'm Simona! I brought home my first budgie yesterday! I have grown up with Quakers mostly but I've never had a budgie before. I have done a lot of research and things seem to be going well. He doesn't freak out when I approach him but if I put my hand in the cage to change the water or for food he wigs out a bit and stays away. I talk to him a lot, play music and even cartoons for him. I put a few toys in for him as well. Today he has played with the toys and eaten and even chirped! But everytime I speak he stops what he is doing and stares at me. At times when I speak to him he turns his head sideways and sometimes closes his eyes. Are those good signs that he is adjusting, happy and beginning to like me? Is there anything you can recommend that will help us bond better or anything? I really want him to be happy! I love him already!! Thank you all! :greenyellow:


Well-known member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
May 14, 2016
Cleveland area
The Rickeybird, 40-year-old Patagonian Conure

I love budgies! But I'm really not an expert...

Here is a great thread which was started by one of our "budgie whisperers" here. :)



That is so cute what you've done for him already and really responsible. You did a whole research, bravo!

He is probably still cautious around you, just don't rush into things and go slowly. My budgie had a "wife" for 6 years then she died and he was alone for 3 years. I didn't want to go out and buy him another bird as there is no guarantee they would get along fine together.
So I've decided to spend more time with him and try to tame him. It took me a long time and looooots of patience, most people would give up. But I didn't, I had several vivid dreams of us bonding so I kept going. After 9 and a half years of having him, he started to trust me completely and we became very close to each other. We started bonding 6 months ago. Everybody in my family was so jealous! He got used to leaving and entering his cage on his own, and every time I got home he would fly to me.

What I'm trying to say, if he doesn't start to bond with you as fast as you would like to, just give him time that he needs.

Mine :greenyellow: needed almost 10 years. x)

Keep up the good work!


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
New England
Sunny the Sun Conure (sept '18, gotcha 3/'19). Mr Jefferson Budgie & Mrs Calliope Budgie (albino) (nov'18 & jan'19). Summer 2021 Baby Budgies: Riker (Green); Patchouli, Keye, & Tiny (blue greywings).
... everytime I speak he stops what he is doing and stares at me. At times when I speak to him he turns his head sideways and sometimes closes his eyes. Are those good signs that he is adjusting, happy and beginning to like me?

Yep. Those are good signs. Looking at you when you talk - not trying to hide away. Turning head sideways he can see you. And birds closing their eyes at you is a sign of trust too. You've had him only a short while. Budgies are quite smart but also tend to be quite skittish so these are very good signs!


New member
May 16, 2020
Parakeets: Lucy Blue (flown to the rainbow bridge) and Desi. Yellowsided GCC: Ollie
Great signs. Just keep talking to him. When you talk you can side eye him and blink slow too... in my experience budgies May take a little longer to warm up. Enjoy your lil guy! Offer him Millet from your hand when he gets used to your hands being in the cage.


New member
Jan 11, 2024
Hi, I'm Simona! I brought home my first budgie yesterday! I have grown up with Quakers mostly but I've never had a budgie before. I have done a lot of research and things seem to be going well. He doesn't freak out when I approach him but if I put my hand in the cage to change the water or for food he wigs out a bit and stays away. I talk to him a lot, play music and even cartoons for him. I put a few toys in for him as well. Today he has played with the toys and eaten and even chirped! But everytime I speak he stops what he is doing and stares at me. At times when I speak to him he turns his head sideways and sometimes closes his eyes. Are those good signs that he is adjusting, happy and beginning to like me? Is there anything you can recommend that will help us bond better or anything? I really want him to be happy! I love him already!! Thank you all! :greenyellow:

Hi Simona! Congratulations on bringing home your first budgie, and it sounds like you're doing a fantastic job creating a positive environment for your new feathered friend. It's great that he's playing with toys, eating, and chirping – those are indeed positive signs!

The fact that your budgie stops and stares at you when you speak is a good sign that he's paying attention and becoming familiar with your voice. Turning his head sideways and closing his eyes can be signs of curiosity and comfort. These are positive behaviors indicating that he is beginning to feel more at ease in his new home.

To further strengthen your bond with your budgie:

  1. Patience and Observation: Continue spending time near the cage, talking softly, and allowing him to get used to your presence. Observe his body language and respond accordingly.
  2. Hand Training: Since your budgie may be a bit wary of your hand in the cage, you can start with hand training outside the cage. Place your hand near the cage without making sudden movements, and let him get used to your hand being there. Gradually move on to offering a treat from your hand.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Whenever he responds positively to your presence or interactions, offer a small treat to create positive associations.
  4. Daily Routine: Establish a daily routine so your budgie knows what to expect. This helps create a sense of security.
  5. Interactive Play: Engage in interactive play with toys, and if your budgie enjoys it, you can use your fingers to mimic bird-like movements. This can build trust.
Remember, building a bond takes time, so be patient and consistent in your efforts. It's clear that you genuinely care for your budgie, and that's a crucial foundation for a happy and healthy relationship.

Best of luck with your budgie, and enjoy the journey of building a wonderful bond with your new feathered companion!
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