new to parrots, me and my pets =)


New member
Apr 18, 2011
near pittsburgh PA
a beautiful baby Cinn. Turq. girl Beanie =)
Well guys ive never fully introduced my self just started out with questions basically lol and i wasnt really sure on what bird i was going to get so i would like to apoligize for my lack of mannors,My name is Madi and i just put down my deposit of 50$ (well tmr i mail it on my soon to be baby cinnimon turquise green cheek conure. she is a girl and her most recent picture is my avitar. im 14 and in july i will be 15 . a couple years back i had a boy cockatiel named tweeters and he would say or whistle (i dont really remember because i was young lol) pretty bird and during christmas he would whistle jingle bells from hearing the commercial on t.v lol. but he got sooo agressive and bit us till he bled so we gave him to a friend who had other ones and once he was with a girl he was the happiest bird ever.but what intrested me most with him was even though he was mean one day i was crying i think it was because we had to get rid of him im not 100% sure tho. anyways i was crying and i sat down by his cage and there i was sobbing and he comes over on his perch to be close to me. it was the sweetest thing ever even though i would go to touch him and he would go to the opposite end lol but after reading i figured it must of been because we were training him wrong like with bad behaviors but underneath he was a good bird. also before he got mean i was playing with him on the couch and a went to go to the bathroom real quick and when i left he started tweeting and i stood by the door to the living room and called for him and would tweet really loud and came to the arm of the couch that was closest to the door, he really was a good bird, idk why he got so mean like i said we probaly unknowingly enforced bad behaviors. well anyways sorry for the longggggg story lol . i have been looking for a generally affectionate pet and beanie is said to be the cuddliest like the breeder said she was about to keep her because she was so cuddly and amazing so i can wait =) well to wrap this long post up i would like to conclude with my current paet and past pets. currently i have 2 dogs, a small mut Nunu and a chihuahua Pig, pig is mine nunu is my grams, then i have lucifer a lilac point siamese yet his mom was a black cat with white paws lol and i rescued him from some persons outside cellar craw space then i have sassy,tager, buddy,and kovu, sas and buddy are both orange and fluffy, kovu was a miracle i lost my best bud obey after years and he was a siamese because of thhis flea medicine it was traumitizing at like 2 or 3 my mom drove down to my grams crying and comes in with him in a towel he was shaking and twitching it was horrible there was no saving him and he only meowed when i rubbed his paws and told him it was ok and that i loved him:(... it turned out the flea medicine was bad and it went thru to his nervous system and shut him down =( anyways weeks after and days of sobs i was outside and i prayed to god i find a new kitty to give a home so i took a walk and i didnt find any kittens and i came back inside and the phone rang it was my gram and she had found a little kitten under my paps truck and my gram would of never wanted another cat so it was purley a miracle from god i got this cat like no one put it there or anything . so yet again another long story sorry lol.then i have 3 cats over my moms pusspuss a big fat kitty whos head is tiny and she has HUGE body lol but she is so sweet we nursed he back to health because she was inbred and her mommy got hit on the road, then theres talula bell she was a lil girl siamese we bought, then sparta is a big white boy with tabby spots and we rescued him from the same place a puss but years later his mom dissappeared and she never took care of them and there were 3 or 4 kittens 2 days old but the coons came so there were only 2 left by the time we heard so the other one died from drinking the other ones urine i think because i think it sucked sparta and it got sick from that then on the 1st day they were born there was one and it was only like a day old and it died in my hand it ate but it was just too small and it just stoped breathing :(. well thats the now pets oh i have a leopard gecko too he is cool. and again sorry for all the long stories. lastly ive had cats,dogs,frogs,birds,ferrets,and sugar gliders,fish,chickens,hampsetrs, and probaly more like i bottle fed raccoons ive had just about every pet out there . so i would like to lastly say sorry because there are probaly a million typos in all this mess lol
Thanks for reading =)
Take care of Beanie! Sounds like you had it rough with your animals.... Both of my cats were rescued from outside, Fiyero was under a pound when we took him in. He was stuck in a tree, I was out walking my dogs when I heard loud cries of a kitten. I looked everywhere for it. Then I was walking by a neighbor's house and I asked them if they knew where it was coming from. They told me yea, he's up in the tree. They've been trying to get him down for days. He hadn't eaten anything. It was during the fall season so it was chilly out. We used their water gun to get him down cause he was way up high in the tree. He finally jumped off and went in their back yard with full of dogs, their son ran in the fenced in yard real quick and rescued him cause they told me the dogs will kill cats. He brought him to me and we took him home in the jacket cause he was shivering. Brought him in the house, we bought temperary litter box cause I did not want a cat since I was allergic to them for years. He was skin and bones! When I watched him eat, it broke my heart. He was not even chewing, he was swallowing cause he was starving to death. I then give him a bath the next day, he was covered with fleas and ticks. My partner been wanting to have a cat for years and I always said no cause they make me so sick. So here we go to our vet with Fiyero, got his kitten shots, de-wormed him, etc. He's turning 2 in August cause the vet told us about how old he was, he was probably around 8 weeks old at that time. I never got sick with him and I grew to love cats, but I've never been a cat person.

With our second cat Pearl, I got sick with her for over a month. Then I got over it and never been allergic to her since. We found her walking around my friend's apartment complex and I called for her, she came right up to me. She wouldn't go to anyone else though but me. I felt sorry for her so I took her to the vet, she had all kinds of health issues and all kinds of worms in her belly. Watching tape worms crawling out onto your leg is pretty She was on anti-biotics and different type of de-wormers, she needed good brand kitty food cause she have food allergies. Diarrhea daily for about 4 months. Big vet bill later, she's all healthy now.

My 3 dogs, 2 huskies and a Chihuahua, my husky girl Alexis, we bought her out in the country. She's a healthy country the Chihuahua was given to me by a co-worker, his family was feeding him people food, his teeth were bad and falling out, over bathed with horrible dry skin. Rocco the husky boy, we rescued him from a pet shop that doesn't know any better with a idiotic vet saying he just have bad diarrhea. My vet tested him and he had giradia. Took 2 months of treatment to get rid of giradia and cleaning up diarrhea day and night after him for almost a year. Thank god that's over, giradia really messed up his stomach. It stunt his growth, he was only 5 months old.

We have all kinds of sanitizer in the house to clean still. After dealing with sickness for so long, we kinda keep that stuffs in

Then there's the birds, too much to go through, we have too many
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lol haha sounds like im not the only one who has alot of pets and had some rough pet times lol but through it all you have to say its worth it lol and for some reason things must of happened for a reason lol and i deffently will take the best care possible of beanie =) i hope she like me when i get her since im in love with her and shes never even seen me lol

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