New to parrot forum!


New member
Feb 13, 2019
I don’t have a parrot at this time but have in the past and plan to soon! Trying to decide what kind. I’m looking for something on low end of the noise level. My husband is apprehensive about this as he has heard a lot of negative about parrots as pets. Was thinking about maybe an irn. Any suggestions?:
Welcome! It’s great that you are planning ahead and researching. Parrots are not for everyone, and hopefully your husband will feel more comfortable after learning about them.

Birds are individuals and can vary in noise levels even in the same species. But in general, the IRNs I’ve met have been on the quieter end of the spectrum. I’ve also met a few Senegals and they’ve been pretty quiet and very sweet birds (I think most of the poicephalus species are generally considered quiet). It also depends what kind of noise is acceptable - different people are bothered by different sounds. My cockatiel makes noise, but I don’t mind her noises at sun conures “songs” grate on most people’s nerves. My green cheeks are much quieter than my suns and I think of them as relatively quiet birds. Maybe listen to some You Tube videos of some different species and see what you both are comfortable with and what makes you cringe :).
Welcome to Parrot Forums.
Many individuals come asking about what Parrot is best and the answer really is much the same. It really depends on how much time you have to spend with the Parrot.
One of the best methods is to spend some time at a Parrot Rescue and experience a wide cross-section of Parrots and after several months, you may just notice that one of them has a real interest in you. Whenever possible, allow the parrot to choose as they are much better at it than we are. We get crazy about color, size, noise, etc..., and they are just interested in you.
Welcome! I LOVE my bird to death, but I am going to be honest---

Parrots result in major lifestyle changes...a dog or cat is way less complicated. I love mine (Umbrella Cockatoo), but she was likely the catalyst that ended my 5 year relationship because she required the same (honestly, way more...) devotion as a child...and my ex didn't want a human, let alone something more complicated than a human. They are so unique and special, but it takes a crazy level of commitment to see it through. I wouldn't trade her for the world, but without that special bond (as parrots do not always bond with multiple people--even though they can), human relationships can become very turbulent, very fast..Not always, but especially if your SO isn't 100% on-board.

Before getting any sort of bird, please research PTFE/PFOA/Teflon and all of the places that it hides (irons, ironing boards, electric blankets, rice-cookers, air-fryers, curling irons, blow-dryers, heat-lamps, straighteners, space-heaters, many kitchen pots, pans and trays....) The list goes on and it is exceptionally deadly to birds in as few as 5 minutes...
You pretty much will have to call about any product that you have that heats or is exposed to heat (once you get a parrot). Walls and doors do not protect birds from this toxin, and it is not something you can identify visually (as it often is inert or internal).

Additionally, know that candles and scents of any kind can seriously injure/kill your bird due to their very sensitive respiratory systems (this includes things like Lysol, Windex, Bleach, Hairspray, perfumes, smoke, cleaners in general, air fresheners (Fabreeze) etc).
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Welcome and be welcomed. Every parrot is going to make noise at some part of the day. If I could compare dogs to parrots, some dogs are very yappy and bark , a lot. Some bark only under certain cirumstances, but they all bark. Some parrots are loud at certain times or with certain stimulus, but they all yell and scream at som point in the day. There ae ways of re-directing yelling or screaming parrots, which you can read about on this forum, but in any couple, both people have to be on board with having a parrot., or either the parrot or one of the humans is going to be very unhappy. Exmple, our Amzon Salty loeve to get loud, I mean really loud, when my wife if prepping dinner. So we sing to him and pretty soon he is singing back to us, insead of Amazon screaching. Learn and read about contact calls. And remember - you may really want the parrot, but thats no garruantee the parrot will choose as his favorite person ( and most parrots do have a prefered person in any house). It may turn out to be your spouse - is he cool withthat? Are you? you may be the one cleaning cages and stand, feeding him etc, but if he picks your hubby , is that OK?
Welcome to the forums! Thanks for carefully considering all aspects of life with a bird before taking the plunge!

Is the concern for noise partly due to your living situation, ie apartment/condo or closeness to other homes?
GOOD FOR YOU for being planful and open-minded.
I bought my bird on impulse, and truly, it has been a difficult 35 years! I love him endlessly, but it has taken a lot of sacrifice and bribing to make my living situations work. I suppose I do have a worst-case scenario... Patagonian roosters are absolute noise machines, AND I have been a very indulgent/inconsistent mistress, AND there have been times when I have had little family/friends support.
Still, it's had a happy ending. So far!
Again, good for you, for reaching out!
Welcoming you . Great to think k things through. i love mine. But I deal with an illness, as others deal with jobs or families, a d sometimes I wish I could have e a break, but the parrots never want a break, they want their minds stimulated, they want attention always..but it's rare that I want a break, mostly they bring me joy.

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